
失魂人* Pugss � 控魂者* Monee

Toxicant°罂栗花 � Toxicant°彼岸花

浮浅Superficia � 言冷Coldwords

人质 Curse�傀儡 Curse�

– 控心 loveㄣ � – 控肺 loveㄣ

夜色的朦胧,love � 醉眼的迷蒙,love

各自安好�aElope� 互不打扰�aElope

King � Quee

Forever丶天长� Forever丶地久

Te amo 。 � Ti amo 。

魄悲 Triste -�落魄 Triste –

my heart/ 为�m痴迷- � my world/ 为�m颠覆-

Have you now、陪伴 � Have you now、疼爱

爱或毁 Extreme � 恨或厌 Extreme

Tout-An.诺尘. � Tout-An.诺粞

of the wings � side wings

小男Ren�f � 小女Ren�f

温瞳 Sou1�f � 冷眸 Sou1�f

暖色 cheeks -� � 冷色 cheeks -�

“You are the heroine � You are the actor>
