

你总是逗她笑,她却喜欢让她哭的人。You always make her laugh, she likes to make her cry.

对一个人养成习惯,那该是多么可怕。To a person habit, it would be terrible.

爱情这淌浑水,爱得越深,陷得越深。Love this muddy water dripped, love the deeper, the deeper trap.

爱情里谁认真了,谁就输的一塌糊涂。In love who seriously, who is lost in a great mess.

把思念藏在心间,任季风渐瘦了容颜。Remember fondly hidden in the heart, as the monsoon gradually lost face.

一直以为自己很幸福,原来如此惨烈。Always thought he was very happy, so bitter.

只有父母会感觉没了你,没了全世界。Only parents can feel lost you, not the world.

表面是一个开心的,心里却不是开心的。The surface is a happy, the in the mind is not happy.

你的人轻靠我肩膀,你的心爬上谁的床。You gently on my shoulder, and your heart who climbed up the bed.

我不后悔爱过你。哪怕你伤的我那么深。I don’t regret love you. Even if you hurt me so deep.


分手旅行只是为了找到一个理由忘记你。Break up to travel just to find a reason to forget you.

爱是一种付出,即使痛苦也会觉得甘愿。Love is a kind of pay, even pain will find willing.

只要你能记住我,哪怕用恨的方式也好。As long as you can remember me, even hate the way.

那人真没礼貌,上课时老是不跟我讲话。The man really rude, never speak to me in class.

现实结束所有幻想,思念瘫痪所有欲感。End all fantasy reality, missing paralyzed all desire.

你背叛了爱情请告诉我,只是不想伤害。You betrayed love please tell me, just don’t want to hurt.

忘了,该忘得人吧。想了,不该想得人。Forget, forget the gadites. Think, shouldn’t want to person.

玩归玩闹归闹,别拿我在乎的人开玩笑。Play to play to make, don’t make fun of the person I care about.

我可以快乐的生活,但心不可停止疼痛。I can be happy life, but the heart do not stop the pain.

相信付出会有代价,代价只是一句傻瓜。Believe that there will be a price, price is only a fool.
