追忆昨的美好,启程明天的幸福。Recall yesterday’s beauty and set off for tomorrow’s happiness.
我用我拙劣的笔,记着我炽烈的爱。I use my poor pen to remember my passionate love.
我吹过你吹过的风,这算不算曾经相拥。I’ve blown the wind you’ve blown, and it doesn’t count as once embracing each other.
希望十年后的我,不会看不起现在的自己。I hope I will not look down on myself in ten years.
如果你能回头,是否也能看清我眼里的挽留。If you can look back, can you see the retention in my eyes.
只是一起走过一段路,却把怀念弄的比经过还长。It’s just a long way to go together, but it’s a long way to miss.
下一次,喜欢上一个也喜欢你的人吧。Next time, like the last one who also likes you.
对你爱的太深,已感觉不到你对我的伤害。I love you so much that I can’t feel your hurt.
没有人喜欢孤独,只不过是害怕失望。No one likes to be alone, just afraid of disappointment.
三年了,书齐了,人散了。For three years, the books are complete and the people are scattered.
你是我意外的勇敢,也是我不得不放弃的纠缠。You are my unexpected courage, but also I have to give up the entanglement.
遗憾的是,从未感受过被人坚定选择的感觉。Unfortunately, I have never felt the feeling of being firmly chosen.
陌生人分两种,不认识的和假装不认识的。Strangers can be divided into two types: those who don’t know and those who pretend not to.
你不喜欢我,这是病,得治,一定要治。You don’t like me. It’s a disease. It must be cured.
在最深的绝望里,遇见最美丽的风景。In the deepest despair, meet the most beautiful scenery.
有时候单身很好,至少没人能伤害你。Sometimes it’s good to be single, at least no one can hurt you.
我想走路带风,成为你的超级英雄。I want to walk with the wind and become your superhero.
我从未到过的地方,原来是你的心上。I have never been to the place, it is your heart.
最冷的地方不是南极,是没有你的地方。The coldest place is not the south pole, it is the place without you.
踮起脚尖,我们就能离幸福更近一点吗?Stand on tiptoe, can we be closer to happiness?