
如果幸福有方向,向左?还是向右?If happiness has the direction, to the left? Or to the right?

已经失去的东西,再缅怀也没有用。Things have been lost, and no use to remember.

你不再温暖如初,我也变得不像我。You no longer warm, I have become like me.

心痛。是我不说。想得太完美终是错。Heartache. I don’t say. It is wrong to think too perfect.

谢谢你让我把自作多情演得淋淋尽致。Thank you for allowing me to be dripping every unrequited love.

我们都有一个,想回却回不了的过去。We all have one, we want to go back but can not return to the past.

那种患得患失的感觉,还不如失去踏实。That kind of feeling is not worry about personal gains and losses, but also practical.

列车一去不复返,犹如你一走没再回来。The train never came back, as if you had never come back.

我淋过最大的雨,是你在烈日下的不回头。I have been the biggest rain, you are in the hot sun does not look back.

如果�貌辉诤踺�、莪也会用同样方式对�谩�If you don’t care about me, I will be on you in the same way.


我的演技一定很好,好到难过都没人知道。My acting skill must be very good, good to sad nobody kno

老师唯一没骗我们的就是,三年真的很短!The only teacher didn’t deceive us is that three years is really short!

我能有多坚强,我又没比别人多一颗心脏。How strong I can be, I don’t have a heart.

他就像我的一个梦,闭眼,睁开,都是空。He is like a dream, my eyes closed, open, are empty.

世界太大还是遇见你,世界太小还是丢了你。The world is too big or met you, the world is too small or lost you.

我觉得最浪漫的事,就是和你一起慢慢变老。I think the most romantic thing is to grow old with you together.

请告诉她,我在等她,请告诉她,我还爱她。Please tell her that I’m waiting for her, please tell her, I love her.

你好像真的过的很好,完全不需要我的打扰。You seem to really have been very good, do not need my bother.

眼泪是没有颜色的血,孤独是没有醉意的酒。The tears is not the color of blood, loneliness is not drunk wine.

好朋友的新朋友,麻烦你照顾好我的好朋友。Good friend’s new friend, trouble you to take good care of my good friend.
