
雪让人的感觉只有一个字――冷。大地一片银白,一片洁净,而雪花仍如柳絮,如棉花,如鹅毛从天空飘飘洒洒。Snow makes people feel only one word – cold. The earth is white and clean, and the snow is still like willow catkins, cotton, goose feathers floating from the sky.

骤雪初霁,冬日里的太阳似乎拉近了与人的距离,显得格外地清晰,格外地耀眼。但阳光的温度却好像被冰雪冷却过似的,怎么也热不起来了。At the beginning of the snowstorm, the sun seems to be closing the distance between people in winter, which is very clear and dazzling. But the temperature of sunshine seems to have been cooled by ice and snow, and it can’t heat up.

无边的飘落的音符里,巴赫的教堂隐隐浮现。而谁将在雪地,留下第一行脚印。拉开窗帘,那扑面而来的光亮,使我想到了人类的早晨。Bach’s church loomed in the endless fluttering notes. Who will leave the first footprints in the snow? Opening the curtain, the light that poured on me reminded me of the human morning.

雪仙子在尽情地挥舞着衣袖;在飘飘洒洒的弹奏中,天、地、河、山,清纯洁净,没有泥潭。Snow fairies are waving their sleeves heartily, while the sky, earth, rivers and mountains are pure and clean with no mud.

雪真的好冷,好冷,我此刻从来没有感到这样的孤独。仿佛我站在一个被世界遗弃的角落,仿佛我是一个被全世界抛弃的浪人。Snow is so cold, so cold, I have never felt so lonely at this moment. As if I were standing in a corner abandoned by the world, as if I were a tramp abandoned by the world.

天色越来越暗,我的心情越来越激动了,因为雪下得越来越大了。小雪花在空中旋转着,跳着优美的空中芭蕾,飘飘洒洒地铺在大地上。The sky is getting darker and darker, and my mood is getting more and more excited, because the snow is getting bigger and bigger. Small snowflakes are spinning in the air, dancing beautiful air ballet, floating and sprinkling on the ground.

大雪随着寒冬来了,街道仿佛是银子铸成的,那么亮,那么有光辉,长长的冰柱像水晶的短剑挂在檐前,行人的呼吸也化作了一股股白烟。Snow came with the cold winter, the streets seemed to be made of silver, so bright, so brilliant, long icicles like crystal daggers hanging in front of the eaves, pedestrians’breath also turned into a stream of white smoke.

落光了叶子的柳树上,挂满了毛茸茸、亮晶晶的银条儿;冬夏常青的松树和柏树,堆满了蓬松松、沉甸甸的雪球。The deciduous willows were covered with hairy, shiny silver strips; the evergreen pines and cypresses in winter and summer were piled with fluffy, heavy snowballs.

又是一场大雪过后,天空一样蔚蓝,并且比海蓝得更晶莹剔透。千峰万岭,极目一望,尽是白色,闪耀着一片连接不断的银光。After another heavy snow, the sky was as blue as the sea, and more translucent than the sea blue. Thousands of peaks and mountains, at a glance, are all white, shining a continuous silver light.

雪花轻轻地飘落。那一片片白色,落在我的手心里,她融化了,变成一滴滴晶莹的水珠,就像我的泪,慢慢滑过我的脸庞。Snowflakes were falling gently. That piece of white, fell in my hands, she melted into a drop of crystal beads, like my tears, slowly sliding across my face.


雪花象一只只从远方飞来的白蝴蝶,她们在空中翩翩起舞,嬉笑着,逗闹着,看着这些蝴蝶,我觉得雪是冬天最美丽的女儿。Snowflakes are like white butterflies coming only from afar. They dance, laugh and tease in the air. Looking at these butterflies, I think snow is the most beautiful daughter in winter.

下雪了,世界就剩下一半了;另外一半看不见了,它被静静地抹去,也许这就是一场不彻底的死亡。When it snows, half of the world is left; the other half is invisible, and it is quietly erased. Perhaps this is an incomplete death.

命中的一部分可遇不可求,现在既然遇到了就别犹豫,紧紧抓住,否则错过后悔就太迟了。“后悔”这两个字容易写,却是人生最难捱的痛苦。Some of the hits can not be met. Now that you meet, don’t hesitate, hold tight, or it will be too late to miss and regret. The word “regret” is easy to write, but it is the most difficult pain in life.

看,校园的草地上,也覆盖了满满地一层,像是给小草盖上了一床厚厚的棉被,小草不再在寒风中瑟瑟发抖,她们安静地躲在棉被里甜睡。Look, the grass on the campus is covered with a layer of ground, like a thick quilt covering the grass. The grass is no longer shivering in the cold wind. They sleep quietly in the quilt.

空中飘着雪花,小小的白羽毛,又像吹落的梨花瓣,零零落落。像柳絮一般的雪,像芦花一般的雪,像蒲公英一般的雪在空中舞,在随风飞。Snowflakes, small white feathers, and like blown pear petals, scattered. Snow like willow catkins, snow like reeds, snow like dandelions dancing in the air, flying in the wind.

吹在人的脸上像刀割一样地疼,雪终于来了大雪伴着狂风呼呼的刮着。大雪造成交通堵塞,许多人因此回不了家。It hurts like a knife on a person’s face. At last, the snow came and blew with the strong wind. Heavy snow caused traffic jams, which prevented many people from returning home.

冬天,虽然没有春天迷人的鸟语花香,没有夏天壮观的闪电雷鸣,没有秋天诱人的丰硕果实,但它也有献给大自然的含蓄的美。In winter, although there are no charming flowers and birds in spring, no spectacular lightning and thunder in summer, and no attractive fruits in autumn, it also has implicit beauty for nature.

我爱白雪,我爱雪景,我更爱冬天。冬天是心灵的年轮。冬天,虽然十分寒冷,但是它有着无可比拟的温馨和希望。I love snow, I love snow scenery, I love winter more. Winter is the ring of the soul. Winter, although very cold, but it has incomparable warmth and hope.

下了整夜的雪,把天色变成一片一片的银色,下了一夜的雪,把思念涂抹出涂抹出纯洁颜色。It snowed all night, turning the sky into a sheet of silver, snowing all night, smearing the yearning with pure color.

雪越下越大,就像撕碎的棉絮,慢慢地飘着。它们落在草地上屋顶上马路上树枝上。不久,大地就被雪覆盖了,变成白茫茫的一片。The snowfall is bigger and bigger, like torn cotton floss, slowly drifting. They landed on the grass, on the roof, on the branches of the road. Soon the ground was covered with snow and turned into a vast expanse of white.
