
流过泪的爱情,终究已失去原先的那般美好。The tears of love, after all, has lost the original as beautiful.

我说再也不等你了,却等了你一辈子。I said no longer waiting for you, but waiting for you a lifetime.

我从不随意闹情绪,因为深知没人会哄我。I never casually mood, because I know no one will coax me.

如果有天我走了,你就不留余地的把我忘掉。If one day I go, you forgot me leave no room.

俄依旧可以高傲,不在乎�m扪的心跳。I can still be proud, you don’t care about children’s heart.

在这个世界上,所有真性情的人,想法总是与众不同。In this world, all true temperament, the idea is always different.

爱得多么多么心醉,即使天天相对,就像一滩死水。Love how ecstasy, even every day, like a pool of stagnant water.

伤口已经够深够痛,请你不要再往我伤口上撒盐。The wound is deep enough pain, please don’t spread salt to my wound.

不知不觉你让我心动,后知后觉你让我心痛。Imperceptibly you let my heart, after you let me heartache.

我可以画一个圈,把自己关在里面,把回忆挡在外面。I can draw a circle, put myself in it and keep my memories out.


你是我皱紧眉头捂着心脏说不疼的人。You are my frown tight cover heart said no pain.

那一个承诺困守半生,那一记回眸一世倾心。One half that a commitment to them, I go back.

失去比得不到更可怕,因为多了一个过程叫曾经拥有。Lost than not more terrible, because more than a process called once owned.

该给的我都给了我都舍得,除了让你知道我心如刀割。I gave it to the I am willing, in addition to let you know my heart.

那些以前说着永不分离的人,早已经散落在天涯了。Those who used to say never separated, already scattered in the horizon.

怀念曾经的幸福,却忘了现在拥有的美好!Miss once happiness, but forget now have beautiful!

我可以遇见世界的全部,却再也不会遇见你。I can meet the whole world, but will never meet you.

后来我爱的人都像你,却无人是你。Later, I love people like you, but no one is you.

旋转木马上的那一场童话梦,终究会醒。Carousel that fairy tale dream, will eventually wake up.

你从来不揣摩我的心思,还责怪我善变难懂。You never try to figure out my mind, I also blame fickle and difficult.
