
我爱你,能反过来写,多好。I love you, can, in turn, to write, how good.

你若不爱我,我又何必去爱你。If you do not love me, why should I go to love you.

过去的就过去了,世界依然美好。The past is the past, the world still good.

经常被人误解,可是又懒得解释。Often misunderstood, but too lazy to explain again.

走失了的爱情,至少我们还有糖。Lost love, at least we have sugar.

我喜欢你,却成了你伤害我的资本。I like you, is you hurt my capital.

无论你身在何处。无论你在谁的胸口。Wherever you are. No matter who you in the chest.

宁愿做过了后悔,也不要错过了后悔。Would rather do the regret, also don’t miss the regret.

这��季节,陪你不离不弃的只有蚊子。This season, to accompany you leave only mosquitoes.

我知道啊,就算眼泪再多也没人心疼我。I know, even if tears also nobody more love dearly me.


好男人经得起诱惑,好女人耐得起寂寞。Good man can withstand the temptation to a good woman tolerance from solitude.

把瞬间的片断,一段一段的编织成幸福。Put the moment fragment, section by section into happiness.

不能和你一起幸福,那就都不要幸福好了。Cannot be happy together with you, that you don’t happiness.

总是在分手后才懂得珍惜。可惜已经晚了。Always in after break up just know to cherish. But already late.

我只是个疯子,请不要介意我的语无伦次。I’m just a madman, please don’t mind my incoherent.

说姐不是你的菜?那对不起,姐是吃荤的。Said the elder sister is not your dish? That I’m sorry, elder sister is a carnivore.

有好多话想和你说、却不知道该从何说起。Have a lot of words want to say with you, but I do not know where to start.

每一首伤感的情歌,听起来感觉唱的都是我。Each a sad love song, sounds singing is my feeling.

我不想被忽略,也不想被忘记。特别是被你。I don’t want to be ignored, also don’t want to be forgotten. Especially by you.

在任何难过或者快乐的时候,我只剩下微笑。In any sad or happy, I only smile.
