
原谅一个人有时候并不是真的原谅,而是害怕失去他。Forgiveness is sometimes not true forgiveness, but fear of losing him.

教会你最初舞步的人,却未必能陪你走到散场。The person who teaches you the first steps may not be able to accompany you to the end.

总有一个人,一直住在心底,却告别在生活里。There’s always someone who lives in the bottom of his heart and says goodbye to life.

不要把秘密告诉你的好朋友,因为好朋友也有好朋友。Don’t tell your secret to your good friends, because good friends have good friends.

给我未来的婆婆一个差评,发货太慢!Give my future mother-in-law a bad revie Delivery is too slow!

太在意别人的看法,累的还是自己。Too concerned about other people’s opinions, tired or their own.

从一开始你就输了,因为你所说过的每一句真心话都是谎言。You lose from the beginning, because every honest word you say is a lie.

一花一世界、一叶一枯荣,一界之内,所生劫数,尽为道法。One flower, one world, one leaf, one glory, within one bound, the number of calamities, all Taoism.

你我看遍阴晴圆缺云舒云绻,终于在物是人非间渐行渐远。You and I have seen all over the clouds and sunshine, clouds and clouds, and eventually in the human world gradually fade away.

无论我走多远离你多远,只要我回头,身后一定有你。No matter how far I go from you, as long as I look back, there must be you behind me.


有毒的草开迷人的花,害你的人说爱你的话。The poisonous grass blossoms charming flowers, and the people who hurt you say what they love you.

现实中,我们用真名说假话,网络中,我们用假名说真话。In reality, we use the real name to tell the truth. In the network, we use the false name to tell the truth.

或许还是喜欢,只是少了非要在一起的执着。Maybe I still like it, but I don’t have the persistence to be together.

不是我喜欢的样子你都有,而是你所有的样子我都喜欢。It’s not that you have all the things I like, but that I like all the things you look.

如果你有梦想,就要去捍卫它。If you have a dream, you have to defend it.

只是爱情,更像是邂逅一场盛景后,摆出的美丽苍凉的手势。Just love, more like a beautiful and desolate gesture after encountering a grand scene.

誓言说着说着就变了,爱情爱着爱着就算了。The oath changes when it is said. Love, love and love are all that counts.

想见你,在吞云吐月的疾风后,在日复一日的寻常里。I want to see you, after the gale of swallowing clouds and spitting moons, in the ordinary day after day.

如果余生是你,我希望余生尽快开始。If the rest of my life is you, I hope the rest of my life will start as soon as possible.

最害怕的不是人不在,而是假装不在。The greatest fear is not the absence of people, but the pretence of absence.
