
如果有选择,那就选择最好的;如果没有选择,那就努力做到最好。If there is a choice, choose the best; if there is no choice, try to do the best.

当婴儿呱呱坠地时,一家人脸上洋溢的笑容是幸福。When a baby croaks to the ground, the smile on the face of a family is happiness.

感动,如沁人心脾的甘泉。畅饮甘泉,我们的内心变得澄澈而又明亮。Moved, such as refreshing spring. Drinking sweet springs, our hearts become clear and bright.

最浓的情,总是冷暖与共;最懂的人,才是最暖的伴。The deepest feelings are always warm and cold; the most knowledgeable person is the warmest companion.

有时候,离去不是一个简单的转身,而是,一辈子的幸福。Sometimes, leaving is not a simple turn, but a lifetime of happiness.

当清晨第一缕阳光照进窗户,睁开眼时的朦胧是幸福。When the first ray of sunshine shines through the window in the morning, the haze is happiness when you open your eyes.

幸福和快乐都是简单的,而追求它们的人却是复杂的。Happiness and happiness are simple, but those who pursue them are complex.

生活可以不知足,但幸福一定要知足。Life can be unsatisfactory, but happiness must be satisfied.

你遇见我是你的幸运,你喜欢我是你的秘密,你爱上我是我们的幸福。You are lucky to meet me. You like me as your secret. It’s our happiness that you fall in love with me.

世界上最永恒的幸福就是平凡,人生最长久的拥有就是珍惜。The world’s most eternal happiness is ordinary, life’s longest possession is to cherish.

幸福是一种感觉,是一种对现状的接受与肯定及由此带来的快乐!Happiness is a feeling, an acceptance and affirmation of the status quo and the happiness it brings.

有一个可以想念的人,你就是幸福的。You are happy to have someone you can miss.

很多时候,心里明明不是那样想的,却控制不了自己而说出相反的话。Most of the time, the mind clearly does not think that way, but can not control themselves and say the opposite.

她那么美好,我怎么舍得伤害。你那么幸福,我怎么舍得破坏。She’s so beautiful. How can I hurt her? You are so happy, how can I refuse to destroy.

幸福,是两个人找遍地图上所有想去的地方,然后一起去。Happiness is when two people find all the places they want on the map and go together.

因为爱,我们走到了一起,因为爱,我们会幸福下去。Because of love, we have come together, because of love, we will be happy.

总是在最深的绝望里,看见最美的风景。Always in the deepest despair, see the most beautiful scenery.

小时候,幸福�C是件很简单的事;长大后,简单�C是件很幸福的事。When I was a child, happiness — is a very simple thing; when I grow up, simplicity — is a very happy thing.

最幸福的事情,就是当我看向你,你正在看着我。The happiest thing is that when I look at you, you are looking at me.

真正爱你的人不会说许多爱你的话,却会做许多爱你的事。The person who really loves you will not say many words, but will do many things that love you.
