
幸福五大原则:心中无恨;脑中无忧;生活简单;多些付出;少些期待。Five principles of happiness: no hatred in the heart; no worries in the brain; simple life; more effort and less expectation.

果断的放弃是面对人生,面对生活的一种清醒的选择,只有学会放弃那些本该放弃的东西,生命才会轻装上阵一路高歌。Decisive abandonment is a sober choice to face life and face life. Only by learning to abandon those things that should be abandoned, life will be lightly loaded and sing all the way.

幸福,不是长生不老,不是大鱼大肉,不是权倾朝野。幸福是每一个微笑生活愿望的达成,当你想吃的时候有的吃,想被爱的时候有人来爱你。Happiness is not about being immortal nor having food or rights in one’s hand. Happiness is the fulfillment of every wish to live with a smile. When you want to eat, some eat, and some love you when you want to be loved.

快乐时想起你,我的快乐多了一倍;痛苦时想起你,我的痛苦少了一半!你的心可以选择爱我或不爱我,而我的心只能选择爱你或更爱你。When I think of you joyfully, my happiness is doubled; when I think of you in pain, my pain is less than half! Your heart can choose to love me or not, but my heart can only choose to love you or love you more.

如果不想道别,该选择共同生活,却怕不需再忍受离别的失落以后,偏要面对共同生活中种种失望。If you don’t want to say goodbye, you should choose to live together, but fear that you will have to face all kinds of disappointments in common life after you don’t have to endure the loss of parting any more.

每一阵风过去,感觉微微湿润的凉意,待我要捕捉,它已倏的掠出了好远。山不在高,有你就行;水不在深,有你则灵。似是爱情,惟我不醒!Every gust of wind used to feel the coolness of being slightly humid. When I wanted to catch it, it swept away. The mountain is not high, you can do it; the water is not deep, you are the soul. Like love, but I can’t wake up!

曾经拥有的,不要忘记;不能得到的,更要珍惜;属于自己的,不要放弃;已经失去的,留作回忆。Don’t forget what you once owned; cherish what you can’t get; don’t give up what belongs to you; keep what you have lost for memory.

相爱时需要真心;争吵时需要沟通;生气时需要冷静;快乐时需要分享;爱上你是一种感觉;吻着你是一种幸福。我爱你!When you love, you need to be sincere; when you quarrel, you need to communicate; when you are angry, you need to be calm; when you are happy, you need to share; when you are in love, you need to feel; when you kiss, you need to be happy. I love you!

深秋的原野有种晕眩的味道,似乎被流贯自身的色彩变幻的漩流弄得有股子醉意。The fields in late autumn have a dizzy taste, which seems to be intoxicated by the whirlpool of color changes flowing through them.

当你真的喜欢上一个人的时候,你的眼中除了他整个世界都不存在。When you really like someone, your eyes don’t exist except the whole world.

人在面临幸福时会突然变得胆怯,抓住幸福其实比忍受痛苦更需要勇气。People suddenly become timid when facing happiness. Grasping happiness is actually more courageous than suffering pain.

只有你找到了生活的目标然后充满信念去追求,你就能够活得很满足。看看你最在乎什么,然后充满勇气的去追逐。Only if you find the goal of life and pursue it with faith, you can live very satisfied. Take a look at what you care most and then pursue it with courage.

别让幸福等太久,别让拥有变成遗憾;我们,再也不会从这里经过。Don’t let happiness wait too long. Don’t let ownership become regrettable. We will never go through it again.

幸福是什么?幸福就是听一首自己喜爱的歌曲后精神的愉悦,幸福就是阅读诗文名篇后心灵感悟。What is happiness? Happiness is the spiritual pleasure after listening to a favorite song. Happiness is the spiritual perception after reading famous poems and articles.

他背起行囊到远方寻找幸福,你不辞辛劳在这里经营幸福,我悠然自得随时随地享受幸福,其实幸福很简单,每个人都有自己的幸福,幸福就是做自己。He carries his bags to the distant place to find happiness. You spare no effort to manage happiness here. I enjoy happiness at any time and anywhere. In fact, happiness is very simple. Everyone has his own happiness. Happiness is to be himself.

幸福是什么?幸福就是不善言辞的爸爸聆听着我的话语的深沉的爱;幸福就是妈妈唠唠叨叨的浓厚的爱;幸福就是姐姐谦虚忍让时的甜甜的爱。What is happiness? Happiness is the deep love that my unspoken father listens to my words; Happiness is the deep love that my mother nags; Happiness is the sweet love when my sister humbly concedes.

人生之道极其简单朴素,就是要保持一颗平常心,并始终用一颗平常心来面对生活、面对人生、面对挫折,面对灾难,让自己活得很轻松。The way of life is extremely simple and simple, that is, to maintain an ordinary heart, and always use an ordinary heart to face life, face life, face setbacks, face disasters, let oneself live very relaxed.

最好的丈夫,是让妻子享尽荣华富贵的丈夫。最好的情人是随传随到,而且。The best husband is the husband who makes his wife rich and wealthy. The best lover is followed by others.

幸福是情侣之间彼此肯定的眼神;幸福是亲人之间互相着想的动作;幸福是朋友不经意间流露的牵挂和偶而闲暇发送的一条短信。幸福,其实就这么简单。Happiness is the affirmative eyes of couples, the action of thinking about each other among relatives, and the carelessness of friends and the occasional message sent in their leisure time. Happiness is actually so simple.

鱼儿的幸福是与水相拥;鸟儿的幸福是与树同行;云儿的幸福是与风共舞。我的幸福,朋友啊,就是你很幸福!The happiness of fish is embracing with water; bird’s happiness is walking with trees; cloud’s happiness is dancing with wind. My happiness, friend, is that you are very happy!
