
幸福,就在我们每个人的身边,就看你能不能感受到。Happiness, in each of us, depends on whether you can feel it.

幸福是本所谓无,本所谓有的,正如地上本没有路,走的人多了,也便成了路。Happiness is this so-called no, this so-called, just as there is no road on the ground, more people walk, it will become a road.

幸福其实不难,只要学会感恩,学会让别人幸福,学会知足,幸福就伸手可得。In fact, happiness is not difficult, as long as we learn to be grateful, learn to make others happy, learn to be satisfied, happiness is within reach.

蓦然回首,慢慢品味,你会发现幸福就在我们身边,原来幸福的味道如此美妙!Suddenly looking back, slowly taste, you will find happiness around us, the original taste of happiness is so wonderful!

幸福是一种感觉,它不取决于人们的生活状态,而取决于人的心态。Happiness is a feeling, it does not depend on people’s living conditions, but on people’s mentality.

幸福是一句关心的话语,是一个不经意的动作,它总是无处不在。Happiness is a word of concern, is a casual action, it is always everywhere.

幸福是简单的,但是只要认真,用心品味,幸福就在身边!Happiness is simple, but as long as you are serious and taste carefully, happiness is around you!

幸福原来很简单,积极的你一定会时时发现幸福,拥有幸福,享受幸福!Happiness is very simple, positive you will always find happiness, have happiness, enjoy happiness!

幸福如水,滋润我们干涸的心田,让我们不不再枯燥!Happiness is like water, moisten our dry heart, let us not be boring any more!

渴望幸福,其实只要你回头看看,停下脚步,幸福一直停在你身边不曾离开。Eager for happiness, in fact, as long as you look back, stop, happiness has been stopped by your side never left.


幸福,是一丝微笑;幸福,是一点关怀;幸福,更是一种喜悦。Happiness, is a smile; happiness, is a little care; happiness, is a joy.

用无私之风鼓起自信之帆,我们看到幸福小船满载而归,并期待又一次远航!With the unselfish wind blowing up the sails of self-confidence, we see the happy boat full and return, and look forward to another voyage!

幸福,简简单单的两个字,而背后付出的努力却是不简单的泪水,健康。Happiness, simple two words, but behind the effort is not simple tears, health.

怀抱感恩,自信,无私之心,做一个幸福的人,我们都可以。Embrace gratitude, self-confidence, selfless heart, to be a happy person, we can all.

我的幸福,就是能拥有一个温暖的家,一群真心的朋友,一群疼爱我的老师。My happiness is to have a warm home, a group of sincere friends, a group of teachers who love me.

人世间有一种东西,它会让我们的生活变得充满希望,充满欢乐,那就是幸福。There is one thing in the world that will make our life full of hope and joy, that is happiness.

幸福很简单,就像伸手捡起一个小石头,轻轻扔向河中央,泛起阵阵涟漪。Happiness is very simple, like reaching for a small stone, throwing it gently into the middle of the river, rippling.

幸福,它悄悄藏在你们的内心。只要用心去找,你就会发现。Happiness is hidden in your heart. As long as you look hard, you will find out.

幸福,是一个逗号,停下匆匆脚步,感受幸福时光。Happiness, is a comma, stop in a hurry, feel happy time.

幸福之花,的确需要安全才有源源不断的养分,才能结出饱满的果实!The flower of happiness really needs safety to have constant nutrients and produce full fruits!
