
我们曾经无数次幻想未来,从来没有想过我们没有未来。We have numerous fantasy future, never thought that we have no future.

时间不会让我忘记你,而是让我习惯没有你。Time will not let me forget you, but let me get used to without you.

那些我们该规划的未来,到底在哪?The future of those we plan, in the end where?

人的一生注定会遇到两个人,一个惊艳了时光,一个温柔了岁月。One’s life is destined to meet two people, an amazing time, a gentle years.

距离是一种考验,为了看看爱到底能走多远。Distance is a test, in order to see how far love can go.

坚持自己的执着,哪怕是没有结果的等待。To adhere to their own, even if it is not the result of waiting.

请珍惜来之不易的爱,不要等到失去了才后悔。Please cherish the hard won love, do not wait until the lost only regret.

有个成语叫“一波三折”,谁给解释下这是怎么长的?There is a proverb is “who to explain striking one snag after another,” this is how long?

曾经的形影不离,如今的形同陌路,虎视眈眈。Once together, now strangers, look at fiercely as a tiger does.

时间会淡化一个人的记忆,却永远无法让人淡忘那些回忆。Time will dilute a person’s memory, but never let people forget those memories.

快乐是装给别人看的,另一种痛楚狂欢是留给自己的另一种寂寞。Happiness is to others to see, another kind of pain carnival is left to their own another kind of loneliness.

有时候我不懂你,不懂你的心,不懂你的爱。Sometimes I do not understand you, do not understand your heart, do not understand your love.

我讨厌谁,总是表现的特别明显,而我喜欢谁,却伪装的很好。I hate who, always the performance is particularly obvious, and I like who, but the camouflage is very good.

人在变得无坚不摧之前,大概都流过很多眼泪吧。People become invincible before, probably through a lot of tears.

心里放不下却要装作坦然,我没那么坚强,没那么勇敢,却要掩饰心底的这份懦弱。Heart can not put it to pretend calm, I am not so strong, not so brave, but to hide the bottom of my heart.

人生若只如初见,我愿停留在昨天。If only the first signs of life, I would like to stay in yesterday.

爱和被爱就这样遥远,沉默的存在,都很无奈。Love and being loved so far, the existence of silence, are very helpless.

能够就这样远远的看着你,我就觉得很幸福了。Can be so far looking at you, I feel very happy.

用最真实的自己,才能遇见最应该的那个人。With the most true self, to meet the most should be the person.

我做了一场关于你的梦,确定不是黑白的。I had a dream about you, and I’m sure it’s not black and white.
