

明年的夏天,就是离别的午后。Next summer is the afternoon of parting.

离愁渐远渐无穷,迢迢不断如春水。Departure is getting more and more distant and endless, which is like spring water.

最期待的那个夏天,竟是充满离别。The most anticipated summer was full of parting.

离别的站台,无奢的往事,你说了一句又一句。Farewell platform, no extravagant past, you said one sentence after another.

那终于离别的,却是以为永不分开的。That finally parting, but think that never separated.

离别的那么绝情,如今的弥补又有何意义。What’s the significance of making up for the desperate parting?

无论命运把我们带到何方,友谊的纽带总会把我们紧紧相连。Wherever fate takes us, the bond of friendship always ties us together.

毕业是离别不是离开,等功成明就我们再相聚首!Graduation is parting, not leaving. We will meet again when success is clear.

相遇总是猝不及防,而离别多是蓄谋已久。Meetings are always unexpected, and parting is often deliberate for a long time.

即将分别,要说的话太多太多,千言万语化作一句,毋忘我。When we are going to separate, there are too many words to say, and thousands of words can be translated into one sentence, so don’t forget me.


无论以什么方式告别,都对不起初见。No matter how you say goodbye, I’m sorry to see you at first.

当依赖离别时,不是你的心死了,而是你的精神支柱崩溃了。When you depend on parting, it’s not your heart that dies, it’s your spiritual pillar that breaks down.

你渐渐远行的背影是离别是决绝,再见,就这样,再也不见。The shadow of your gradual journey is that you will never leave. Goodbye, that’s it, never see again.

我相信,短暂的离别是为了更好的遇见。I believe that a short separation is for a better meeting.

我想到过离别,却没想到过这么快。I thought about leaving, but I didn’t think so fast.

不知什么时候起,在这世上,我只对离别抱有无限热情。I do not know when, in this world, I only have infinite enthusiasm for parting.

如果分手离别,再也不相见。If we break up and leave, we will never see each other again.

有时候离别,就是一场重生。Sometimes parting is a rebirth.

此去山长水远,你不要送我了。It’s a long way to go. Don’t give me a ride.

不管你奔赴海角天涯,也不管离别会有多久,我会等待等待。No matter how long you go to the ends of the sea or how long you leave, I will wait.


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