

起伏的黄土山头,真像一片大洪水的波涛。The ups and downs of the Loess Mountain are like waves of a flood.

勤勉而顽强地钻研,永远可以使你百尺竿头更进一步。Study hard and tenaciously, and you will always be able to make further progress.

我一时没有主意,像丢了魂似的,呆呆地站在那里。I had no idea for a moment. I stood there as if I had lost my soul.

清晨,残月像一块失去了光泽的鹅卵石,抛在天边。In the morning, the waning moon is like a pebble that has lost its luster and is thrown into the sky.

小溪里的水草,被水推着、摇着,悠闲地扭动着纤细的腰肢。The water grass in the stream is pushed and shaken by the water, and twists its slender waist leisurely.

我热爱春天,因为春天充满了生机,充满了新的希望!I love spring, because spring is full of life, full of new hope!

水直晃荡,三个妈妈走走停停,胳膊都痛了,腰也酸了。The water was sloshing straight. The three mothers walked and stopped. Their arms hurt and their waists were sore.

古榕树根如蟠龙,皮若裂岩,像个百岁老人,捋着长须。The roots of ancient banyan trees are like dragons, the skin is like cracked rocks, like a centenarian, stroking his long beard.

月亮像饱经风霜的老人,不紧不慢地梳理着白花花的月光。Like the weather beaten old man, the moon combs the moonlight of white flowers.

秋天,野草被风吹得渐渐变黄,草地变成了金色的海洋。In autumn, the grass is gradually yellow by the wind, and the grass becomes a golden ocean.


当春携着她特有的温煦,潮一样地涌来时,也能让人断魂。When spring comes with her unique warmth and tide, it can also break one’s soul.

一个孩子翻着跟头,像车轮在转,真好看!A child turns his back like a wheel. It’s so beautiful!

我以后要把学到的知识活用,决不生搬硬套。In the future, I will make full use of what I have learned and never copy mechanically.

梦像一条小鱼,在水里游来游去,想捉他,他已经跑了。Dream is like a little fish, swimming around in the water, trying to catch him, he has run.

书就是的伴侣,伴我们度过美好的人生。The book is the companion of, accompany us to spend the happy life.

我的琴声很美很美,正好为你清脆的歌声伴奏。My piano sound is very beautiful, just for your clear singing accompaniment.

晴朗湛蓝的天空,像碧玉一般澄澈。The clear blue sky is as clear as jasper.

食堂开饭时,全校同学像热锅上的蚂蚁一样挤成一团。When the canteen started to eat, the whole school was crowded like ants on a hot pot.

我喜欢蒲公英,喜欢她的甘于寂寞,甘于平凡。I like dandelion, like her willing to lonely, willing to ordinary.

童年,是梦中的真,是真中的梦,是回忆时含泪的微笑。Childhood is the truth in dreams, the true dreams, the tearful smile in memories.
