

曾经我来过你的心,不是我不停留,而是你不挽留。Once I came to your heart, not that I don’t stay, but that you don’t stay.

我多害怕习惯了谁的好,然后又被无情的丢掉。I’m afraid to get used to who’s good, and then be ruthlessly lost.

我将幸福的筹码全部放在你的身上,你却突然消失了。I put all the chips of happiness on you, but you suddenly disappeared.

总会有一首歌会让你红了眼眶,总会有一个人让你疼了心脏!There will always be a song that will make your eyes red, there will always be a person that will make your heart hurt!

我也害怕时间说真话,把所有的坚持都变成笑话。I’m also afraid of time to tell the truth and turn all persistence into a joke.

我们是平行的铁轨,除非发生事故,否则不会错位。We are parallel tracks and will not be dislocated unless there is an accident.

如果有一天你真的回过头,希望我还留在原地。If one day you really look back, I hope I’m still there.

宠辱不惊,看庭前花开花落;去留无意,望天空云卷云舒。Don’t be surprised to see the flowers blooming and falling in front of the court; don’t forget to stay, look at the clouds in the sky.

理性让你清楚地知道你是错的,感性让你不屑一顾的将错就错。Reason makes you know clearly that you are wrong, and sensibility makes you ignore that you are wrong.

好喜欢眼睛美的人,眼里藏着星星藏着温暖藏着安然。Good like the eyes of the United States, the eyes hide the stars hide warm hide Enron.


绿水本无忧,因风皱面;青山原不老,为雪白头。The green water has no worries, because the wind wrinkles the surface; the green mountain is not old, but snowy.

你要记得,那年那月,垂柳紫陌。You should remember, that month, weeping willow purple road.

关于回忆,我把你爱我的丢了,却留下了不美好的你。About the recollection, I lost what you love me, but left the bad you.

走不尽的是流年,望不断的是云烟。It’s fleeting time that can’t walk away, and it’s cloud and smoke that can’t wait.

愿你遇到一个成熟的爱人;将你宠得一辈子都像个孩子。May you meet a mature lover and spoil you like a child all your life.

爱上你,只用了一瞬间,忘记你却用了一辈子,甚至还不够。Fall in love with you, only for a moment, forget you but for a lifetime, even not enough.

相信我,就算有一天,我们不小心走散,我也会回来找你的。Believe me, I will come back to you even if one day we go away carelessly.

晚霞明似锦,春雨细如丝。柳绊长堤千万树,花横野寺两三枝。The sunset is bright and the spring rain is thin. Willows trip the long levee, ten million trees, and two or three trees in huahengye temple.

大多数人想要改造这个世界,但却罕有人想改造自己。Most people want to change the world, but few want to change themselves.

我爱的人不是我的爱人,他心里的每一寸都属于另一个人。The person I love is not my lover. Every inch of his heart belongs to another person.
