说再见别说永远,再见不会是永远。Say goodbye don’t say forever, goodbye is not forever.
别让过去的悲伤和对未来的恐惧,毁了你当下的幸福。Don’t let the past sadness and fear of the future, ruin your present happiness.
思念随着时光渐渐没有了力气,爱也失去了原有的光芒。Miss with time gradually no effort, love also lost the original light.
越喜欢你的人,就会对你做出越幼稚的动作。The more love you of person, you will do the more naive to you.
人生若只是初见。平生不会相思,才会相思,便害相思。If life is first. Life won’t acacia, acacia, and acacia.
就算血染江山如画,也不敌她眉间一点朱砂。Even if blood jiangshan picturesque, also lost her brow is cinnabar.
无数的花瓣轻轻摇曳,积攒着彩虹般的梦,承载着我的思念。Countless petals swaying gently, accumulate the rainbow dream, carrying my thoughts.
真正生气的时候,不是哭也不是闹,而是不说话。Really angry, not cry not make, but not to talk.
你看见的我,是一株向日葵。Can you see me, is a sunflower.
这一夏的温晴,是你给我的最好诠释。This summer WenQing, is you give me the best interpretation.
有些人装逼只是暂时的,而不要脸是永恒的。Some people pack to force is only temporary, while for shame is eternal.
心给出去的时候,就该知道,不可能毫发无损的拿回来。Heart give out, you should know, can’t take back unscathed.
我再怎么努力也抹不去你来过的痕迹。I again how to also don’t go to trace of you.
如果一个人对你很重要,那距离对你就不再重要了。If a person is very important to you, the distance is no longer important to you.
时光不停的在转动现在你是谁的英雄。Time kept in the rotation now hero who you are.
累了,总希望有那么一个人,会明白你,即使你什么也不说。Tired, always want to have so a person, can understand you, even if you didn’t want to say.
爱一个人,爱他不堪的过去,爱他混沌的现在,爱他不定的未来。Love a person, he’s in the past, the love he chaos now, love him in the future.
云冷化为空中雨,心冷化为眼中泪。Cloud of cold rain into the air, the heart cold melt into tears of eyes.
那些我们曾经弥足宝贵的岁月,早已渐行渐远。Those years, we have very precious already drifting away.
寂静了许久,颓丧了许久,感慨了许久,哀痛了许久。Silence for a long time, broken for a long time, feeling for a long time, mourn for a long time.