只有那些从不仰望星空的人,才不会跌入坑中。Only those who never look up at the stars, will not fall into the pit.
不要只为一个人而活,你的人生,还可以拥有全世界。Don’t live for just one person, you can have the whole world.
人生的本质在于运动,安谧宁静就是死亡。The essence of life is movement, death is peaceful and quiet.
人人生而自由平等。All men are born free and equal.
巨大的爱与巨大的恨一样,都需要一个发泄的出口。Great love and great hate, all need an outlet.
忘掉岁月,忘掉痛苦,忘掉你,我们永不说再见。Forget the years, forget the pain, forget you, we never say goodbye.
英雄联盟拆散了不少情侣,飞车炫舞成就了多少网恋。Heroes union break up a lot of lovers, flying dancer achievement how many love.
人的本性就是追求个人利益。Human nature is the pursuit of personal interests.
人生的成功不在于拿到一副好牌,而是怎样将坏牌打好。The success of life is not to get a good card, but to make a bad card.
世界是事实的总和,而非事物的总和。The world is the sum of the facts, not the sum of things.
习惯了等待,于是,在轮回中我无法抗拒的站回等待的原点。Used to wait, so, I can not resist in the reincarnation of the origin of the waiting.
凡是活着的就应当活下去。Who lives should live.
回忆像只贴身鬼魅,说不恨你那是自己口是心非。Memory like a personal ghosts, don’t hate you said that is his duplicity.
给我物质,我就用它造出一个宇宙来。Give me the material, I will use it to create a universe.
换女人比换卫生巾还勤的男人,早晚有你痛经的那天。For women than for sanitary napkins also frequently the man, sooner or later you have the day of dysmenorrhea.
我微笑,在任何我难过或者快乐的时候,我只剩下微笑。I smile, happy or sad, for that is the last thing I can do.。
生命是一座恢弘华丽的城堡。轻轻一触,如灰尘般溃散。Life is a grand and magnificent castle. A soft touch, such as dust looked like.
谁占有法律语言谁就占有相关的资源和利益。Who holds the legal language who holds the relevant resources and interests.
我除了知道我的无知这个事实外一无所知。I know nothing except the fact of my ignorance.
人充满劳绩,但还诗意地安居于大地之上。Life is full of hardships, but also living poetically on the earth.