
破镜重圆又怎样,再怎么圆,中间始终是有条缝的。How no matter how round, a broken mirror joined together, the middle is always there is a crack.

总要拿段时间来做梦,成长之后,成熟之前。Always take some time to dream, grow up, mature before.

该坚持的时候,却放开了你的手。The insistence of the time, but let go of your hand.

听弦断,断那三千痴缠。坠花湮,湮没一朝风涟。Listen to the broken strings, the three thousand are broken. Falling flowers lost, lost in the wind ripple.

我轻轻呼吸,呼吸没有你的空气。思念叫人窒息。I breathe, breathe without you. Miss is choking.

当我问你怎么了,不是为了听你随口说一句没事。When I ask you how, not to listen to you casually say nothing.

不要总看人家的动态,就算你在累,人家也不理会。Do not always look at the dynamics of others, even if you are tired, they do not bother.

如果爱情只是路过,又何必到此一游。If love is just passing by, why should this visit.

梦里的江湖,百花齐放,人来人往,繁华似锦。The dream of the world, All flowers bloom together. flourishing, People are hurrying to and fro..

似此星辰非昨夜,为谁风露立中宵。Like the stars of night, for whom the Luli midnight.


为他不停不停留下感动或悲伤的泪水,笑着说没事。For him to keep moving or sad tears, smiled and said nothing.

想太多,心态乱,失眠的人连做梦的机会也没有。Think too much, mental disorder, insomnia, even the chance to dream.

有谁能像他一样,嘘寒问暖,一日三餐的关心俄。Can someone like him, being, three meals a day care for russia.

是不是只要勾搭上了孟婆,就可以忘了所有悲伤。Is not as long as hooked on Meng, you can forget all the sadness.

长夏逝去。山野间的初秋悄然涉足。Long summer gone. Early autumn quietly into the mountains.

我一定要继续呼吸,即使已经没有盼望的理由。I must continue to breathe, even if there is no reason to hope.

终是谁使弦断,花落肩头,恍惚迷离。Who is the final string broken, whispering shoulder, trance blurred.

那一场盛世流年、我们守着寂寞伤得面目全非。That was a time when, we keep the lonely wounded badly.

当看破一切的时候,才知道,原来失去比拥有更踏实。When this all just know, originally lose than having more dependable.

友情用到深处,比爱情更悲伤,更痛,更苦。The use of deep friendship, more sad than love, more pain, more bitter.


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