活着无所追求,至死都会一无所有。Nothing seek living, to death will have nothing.
如果感情变淡了,不如就推开说再见吧。If the feelings faded, it would be better push say goodbye.
她总是喝醉酒就哭着吼着她不想再爱了。She always drunk will cry to shout her don’t want to love.
我今天之所以走了,是因为我想好了明天。Today I go, because I’m ready tomorro
不要用耳朵恋爱,真正对你好的全是细节。Don’t fall in love with their ears, really good to you all the details.
在有生的瞬间能遇到你,竟花光所有运气。At the moment in my life to meet you, spend all the luck.
对自己说不要哭,因为没有人会在乎你的泪。Said to myself not to cry, because no one will care about your tears.
总是太容易相信别人,所以被骗得心甘情愿。Always too easy to believe others, so be fraudulent willingly.
戏散了,我所能做的,只有主演自己的梦了。Play away, I can do, only starring in his own dream.
一首简单的小情歌,唱尽了我们的小情绪。A simple little love song, singing our little mood.
思念不能自已,哀痛不能自理,幸福不能自予。Miss not from already, grief cannot provide for oneself, happiness can be.
这世界太多纷纷扰扰,想要的一切却都得不到。This world too much dissension, want all but are not.
梦里的江湖,百花齐放,人来人往,繁华似锦。The dream of the river’s lake, flowers, people are busy, thriving.
做不到让谁为我心疼,我只能一个人学着残忍。Who do not make love for me, I can only a human cruelty.
我以为你是我的终点,结果不过只是个转折点。I think you are my end point, as a result, but is just a turning point.
仙人掌明明活的很好,却再没法接受谁的拥抱。Cacti live obviously is very good, but who can’t accept again embrace.
你之于我,犹如一扇门,隔开了我与外界的维系。You are to me, like a door, separated me from the rest of the world.
并非所有的爱恋都能开花结果,原谅我现在才懂。Not all love can blossom, forgive me now just understand.
打雷的时候站在大树下对老天爷说,我也要穿越。Thunder when standing under the trees said to the god, I also want to cross.
那些不是秘密的秘密,不过是彼此的心照不宣罢了。Who is not a secret secret, but that’s just each other’s tacit understanding.