风,轻轻地,温和的吹着,是美丽的秋姑娘姗姗而来。The wind, gently and gently blowing, is a beautiful autumn girl coming slowly.
果树上的果实累累,我望着远处的果实,仿佛闻到了果子香甜的气味。Fruit trees are full of fruits. I look at the distant fruits, as if I can smell the sweet smell of fruits.
北风是五线谱,散落的蒲公英是音符。起着风的秋天,是我为你写的歌。The north wind is a five-line spectrum, and the dandelions scattered are notes. Windy autumn is the song I wrote for you.
金黄色的叶子,像一只只美丽的蝴蝶在空中飞来飞去。Golden leaves, like beautiful butterflies flying in the air.
深秋的天空里,团团白云像弹好的羊毛,慢慢地飘浮着。In the late autumn sky, white clouds, like fine wool, float slowly.
金黄的稻谷在微风里,一边跳舞,一边唱着秋天的歌。Golden rice dances and sings autumn songs in the breeze.
秋天到了,菊花开了。有红的,有黄的,有紫的,还有白的,美丽极了!Autumn is coming and chrysanthemums are blooming. There are red, yellow, purple, and white, beautiful!
金秋季节,满山遍野的枫林红了,好像一片火海。In the golden autumn season, the maple forests are red all over the mountains, like a sea of fire.
十月的秋风拂着大地,辽阔的田野一片金黄。The autumn wind in October swept the earth, and the vast fields were golden.
秋,仿佛一夜之间来临,漫卷尘埃,飞扬阡陌,席卷心的城池。Autumn, as if overnight, sweeping dust, flying across the street, sweeping the heart of the city.
秋天到了,天气凉了,人们脱去了夏装,换上了秋装。Autumn is coming. The weather is cold. People take off their summer clothes and change into autumn clothes.
啊,秋雨把梧桐树的衣裳打黄啦,给秋天添上了一身神秘的彩装。Ah, the autumn rain has yellow the clothes of the plane trees and added a mysterious color to autumn.
秋风瑟瑟,寒冷袭来,这仅仅是一种表象,自然有时如人,刀子嘴豆腐心。The autumn wind is rushing, and the cold is coming. This is just a kind of appearance. Nature sometimes looks like a person, with a knife and a tofu heart.
秋天的田野,一片金黄,好像给大地铺上了一层金黄色的地毯。The fields in autumn are golden, as if they were covered with a golden carpet.
那圆而扁的橘子,多么惹人喜爱,多么橙黄啊,真像一只只小皮球。That round and flat orange, how lovely, how orange, really like a small ball.
千树万树的红叶,愈到秋深,愈是红艳,远远看去,就像火焰在滚动。The red leaves of thousands of trees, the deeper autumn is, the more red they are. From a distance, they look like flames rolling.
秋天的喜悦在人们心中流淌,金黄的色调是他们永不变的情怀。The joy of autumn runs through people’s hearts. The golden hue is their eternal feeling.
秋天到了,天空一碧如洗,好像用清水洗过的蓝宝石一样。When autumn comes, the sky is as clear as a sapphire washed in clear water.
待到秋来九月八,我花开尽白花煞;冲天香阵透长安,满城尽带黄金甲。When autumn comes to September 8th, I will blossom as white as a flower; the fragrance of the sky will burst through Chang’an, and the city will be covered with golden armor.
听,天空中,小鸟在嬉戏,大雁在南飞,老鹰时隐时现,还不时发出叫声。Listen, in the sky, birds are playing, geese are flying in the south, eagles are hiding and crying from time to time.