

生命短暂,何苦重复昨天。Life is too short to repeat yesterday.

心中有所牵挂,生命才会坚强。Life will be strong if you have something to worry about in your heart.

知己者不怨天,知己者不尤人!总所谓成事在天,不怨人。A confidant does not complain about heaven, but a confidant does not differ from others. The so-called success in heaven, no complaint.

衣服不在于时尚,而在于是否合身。Clothes do not depend on fashion, but on whether they fit.

人之所以痛苦,在于追求错误的东西。The reason why people suffer is to pursue the wrong things.

不要被任何人打乱自的脚步,因为没有谁会像你一样清楚和在乎自己梦想。Don’t be disturbed by anyone, because no one will be as clear and care about their dreams as you are.

学着做你自己,并优雅地放手所有不属于你的东西。Learn to be yourself and gracefully let go of everything that doesn’t belong to you.

滴水穿石,不是力量大,而是功夫深。Dripping through stone is not strength, but kungfu.

你不优秀,认识谁都没用,别一味的追求人脉,先让自己优秀,把自己变成人脉!If you are not excellent, it is useless to know anyone. Don’t blindly pursue personal connections. First, let yourself be excellent and turn yourself into a personal relationship!

好听的话容易打动人,好心的话容易得罪人。Good words are easy to move, good words are easy to offend.


说出来会被嘲笑的梦想,才有实现的价值,即使跌倒了姿势也很豪迈。Speaking out a dream that will be laughed at is of value to be realized. Even if you fall down, you will be heroic.

失意时不去怨恨,得意时不去张扬。Don’t hate when you are disappointed, and don’t publicize when you are proud.

谁不向前看,谁就会面临许多困难。Anyone who does not look forward will face many difficulties.

凡事顺其自然,遇事处之泰然,艰辛曲折必然,历尽沧桑悟然。Everything is natural, everything is calm, hard and tortuous is inevitable, through the vicissitudes of life.

不要以为生活亏欠了你,其实是你不够努力。Don’t think that life owes you, in fact, you don’t work hard enough.

不怕万人阻挡在前方,只怕自己先行投降。We are not afraid that tens of thousands of people will stand in the way, but that we will surrender first.

世间成事,不求其绝对圆满,留一份不足,可得无限美好。In this world, we can achieve infinite beauty without seeking absolute perfection and leaving a deficiency.

如果你不能成为别人生命中的礼物,最好不要走进别人的生活。If you can’t be a gift in someone else’s life, you’d better not go into someone else’s life.

斧头虽小,但多劈几次,就能将坚硬的树木伐倒。Although the axe is small, it can cut down hard trees several times.

无过是一种假想,思过是一种成熟,改过是一种美德。All is a kind of imagination, thinking is a kind of maturity, changing is a kind of virtue.
