
山高自有客行路,水深自有渡船人。The mountain has its own passenger road and the water has its own ferryman.

对自己好点,因为一辈子不长,对身边的人好点,因为下辈子不一定能遇到。Be kind to yourself, because life is not long, be kind to people around you, because you may not meet in the next life.

一个人成熟的标志,是学会狠心,学会独立,学会微笑,学会丢弃不值得的感情。The sign of a person’s maturity is to learn to be cruel, to be independent, to smile and to abandon unworthy feelings.

喜则留,厌则走,多说一句都是求,道不同不相为谋。If you are happy, you will stay. If you are tired, you will go. If you say more, you will ask for it. Different ways do not mean different things.

懒惰的人等时间,聪明的人省时间,勤奋的人在抓时间。Lazy people wait for time, smart people save time, hard-working people catch time.

中规中矩,赢得尊重。赢得尊重,也赢得了信赖。Meet the rules and win respect. Win respect and trust.

日出东海落西山,愁也一天,喜也一天;遇事不钻牛角尖,人也舒坦,心也舒坦。Sunrise, East China Sea, West Hill, sorrow and joy are also one day; when things happen, people are comfortable, and their hearts are comfortable.

话多不如话少,话少不如话好。Less words is better than more words.

这一秒不放弃,下一秒就会有希望。If you don’t give up in one second, there will be hope in the next.

人生在世偶尔遇到困苦磨难,是上帝给我们机会来分辨清楚谁真谁假。Occasionally, life encounters hardships and tribulations. It is God who gives us the opportunity to know who is true and who is false.


人生走错了路,停止便是进步。Life goes the wrong way, stop is progress.

不是每一种鸟都叫做鹰,你要学会看清自己。Not every bird is called an eagle. You have to learn to see yourself.

有时候低头和妥协并不可耻,太过在乎一些不必要的东西反而会害了自己。Sometimes it’s not shameful to bow and compromise, but to care too much about unnecessary things will hurt yourself.

清醒时做事,糊涂时读书,大怒时睡觉。Do things when you are awake, read when you are confused, and sleep when you are angry.

人生就像一杯茶,不会苦一辈子,但总会苦一阵子!Life is like a cup of tea, not bitter for a lifetime, but always bitter for a while!

见己不是,万善之门。见人不是,诸恶之根。To see oneself is not the door of all goodness. Seeing people is not the root of all evil.

抱怨除了使自己对他人的态度恶劣之外,也会令自己一事无成。Complaint not only makes one’s attitude to others bad, but also makes oneself accomplish nothing.

一个人有钱没钱不一定,但如果这个人没有了梦想,这个人穷定了。A man may not be rich or poor, but if he has no dream, he will be poor.

没有所谓失败,除非你不再尝试。There is no such thing as failure unless you stop trying.

无事心不空,有事心不乱,大事心不畏,小事心不慢。Nothing is idle, nothing is disorderly, nothing is fearless, nothing is slo
