夕阳,the setting sun
1)the setting sun夕阳
1.The artistic conception created by the image of the setting Sun displays a kind of historical immensity Beyond the lively and clear image of the setting sun,the multi-layered d.唐宋诗词中出现的夕阳意象以其独特的审美特征被诗人借以抒发自己的人生领悟。
2.There is a very long history that the setting sun and its synonyms appear in poem s text as an artistic conception.夕阳及其同义异名的词语作为一种意象在诗歌文本中出现,具有悠久的历史。
1.More worship the rising than the setting sun.顶礼朝阳多,膜拜夕阳少。
2.The setting sun has boundless beauty; Just because the yellow dusk is so near.夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏。
3.When the evening beams are set?当夕阳的余晖渐落下,
4.The sun is beautiful, is it not?夕阳无限好,不是吗?
5.The sunset made me lonely.看见夕阳总令我孤独。
6.The setting sun appears sublime, but it is near its dying time.夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏
7.The wind that carried the declaration of the dying sun has gone.风带着夕阳的宣言去了。
8.The evening sun casts long shadows.夕阳投下了长长的影子。
9.all scarlet with blossom set off beautifully by the sunset.它在夕阳的背景下定格。
10.There, above, lies the fiery half circle of the setting sun!这上头,半轮火红的夕阳!
11.”Now that the sun has set beyond the western range, valley after valley is shadowy and dim….”夕阳度西岭, 群壑倏已暝;
12.The light of the setting sun suffused the clouds.夕阳的斜晖染遍了云朵。
13.The sky was aglow with sunset colours.夕阳的光辉染红了天空。
14.The golden rays of the sunset were beautiful.夕阳的金色光芒美极了。
15.Compare the Imago of “the set sun” in Ci of Liu Yong s with Yan Shu s;几度夕阳红――柳永和晏殊词的夕阳意象比较
16.Analysis of the Image of Sunset in the Poems of Qing Dynasty;莫道太萧瑟,夕阳情最浓――清词中的夕阳意象浅析
17.The Sunset Emotion of Poets in Late Tang Dynasty;夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏――晚唐诗人的夕阳情结
18.I enjoy standing in the balcony watching the sunrise and the sunset.我喜欢站在阳台上看日出和夕阳。
1.The imagery of”sunset”which is a fuzzy imagery group has mixed many feeling factors together and showed the vast cultural bachground behind the deep historic sense.中国古典文学有很多典型意象,唐宋诗词中的”夕阳”意象以其独特的审美特征被诗人借于抒发自己的人生领悟。
2.The image of sunset is one of the most frequent images in the poems of Qing Dynasty.夕阳意象是清词中最为常见的意象之一,有着丰富的情感内蕴。
3)setting sun夕阳
1.The usual images in them are moon, Chinese parasol, setting sun, etc.唐诗宋词最常用的意象有月、梧桐、夕阳等,现就这几种意象作一浅析。
2.The discussion on the image of setting sun in ancient classic poems in this paper aims to prove that poets use this image to manifest their ideas on the universe, society and life, and their personal weal and woe, hence forming the peculiar aesthetic conceptions upon the setting sun in Chinese classical poems.通过对古典诗歌中“夕阳”意象的探讨,指出诗人借助“夕阳”这一意象来表现自己对宇宙、社会、人生的领悟,抒发自己的人生理趣,展现了中国古典诗歌中“夕阳”意象特有的审美意蕴。
4)The Evening Sun《夕阳》
1.An Appreciation of the Art of Faulkner s Novel The Evening Sun;福克纳小说《夕阳》艺术谈
2.The Perfect Integration of Form and Content about Faulkner s The Evening Sun;论福克纳短篇小说《夕阳》形式与内容的完美结合
5)Imago of “the set sun”夕阳意象
1.Compare the Imago of “the set sun” in Ci of Liu Yong s with Yan Shu s;几度夕阳红――柳永和晏殊词的夕阳意象比较
1.The Chinese Style of the Piano Composition Xiyangxiaogu;钢琴曲《夕阳箫鼓》的中国风格