
海上生明月。A bright moon is born on the sea.

思君令人老。Sijun makes people old.

花落知多少。How many flowers fall?

山中相送罢。Send each other off in the mountains.

游子不顾返。Travellers are afraid to return.

地下思故乡。Underground homesickness.

好书如挚友。A good book is like a good friend.

问君几多愁。Ask how sorrowful you are.

岂向人间住!Do you live on earth?

指尖的情丝。Fingertip love.

爱你一万年。Love you forever.

红豆寄相思。Red beans send Acacia.

明月照落花。The bright moon shines and falls.

爱就一个字。Love is a word.

几点催花雨。What time does it rain?

风泉满清听。The spring is full of fresh air.

落日故人情。The sunset is the last love.

一帘风月闲。A curtain of wind and moonlight is idle.

爱没有期限。Love has no deadline.

夕阳无限好。The sunset is infinitely good.
