

雨一直下,下得那么认真,怎么办?我好想你!It’s raining all the time. It’s raining so seriously. What should we do? I miss you so much!

倾听雨的诉说,倾听夜的无奈,灰白无色。Listen to the rain, listen to the helplessness of the night, gray and colorless.

窗外已经下起了小雨,在另一方的你还好吗?It’s raining outside the windo Are you all right on the other side?

你是风儿我是雨,我是这么理解风雨交加的。You are the wind, I am the rain, I understand the wind and rain.

下雨天陪在你身边的人是谁,你又在想着谁。Who are the people who accompany you in rainy days? Who are you thinking about?

一场雨,一把伞,一条街,一个人行走。A rain, an umbrella, a street, a person walking.

眼睛在为你下雨,心却在为你打伞。The eyes are raining for you, but the heart is umbrella for you.

昨天下雨,今天放晴,我们的爱也不过如此。Yesterday it rained, today it cleared up, and our love is just like that.

最美的不是下雨天,而是与你躲过的屋檐。The most beautiful thing is not the rainy day, but the eaves you hide from.

雨后没有彩虹有什么关系,至少万里晴空。It doesn’t matter if there is no rainbow after the rain, at least ten thousand miles clear sky.


秋雨如同满天发亮的珍珠,飘飘扬扬地挥洒着。Autumn rain is like a pearl shining all over the sky, fluttering and spraying.

我讨厌下雨,因为我还是学不会带雨伞。I hate rain because I still can’t learn to take an umbrella.

窗外的雨停了,可我的世界还在下雨。The rain outside the window stopped, but my world is still raining.

外面下着雨,犹如我心血在滴。It’s raining outside, as if my heart and soul were dripping.

天天下雨,心情都是闷闷的,烦死了。Rain every day, the mood is depressed, bored to death.

深夜,听雨一直下,落在心上,却从眼角流出。Late at night, listening to the rain has been falling on the heart, but from the corner of the eye.

下雨天,突然好想出去淋雨,好让自己清醒点。On a rainy day, I suddenly want to go out and get wet so that I can wake up.

打雷下雨天,偎依在最牵挂的人身边。Thunderstorm and rain, snuggling around the most concerned people.

他们在钟楼下避雨,钟楼是不愿意撑开的伞。They sheltered themselves from the rain under the bell tower, which was unwilling to open an umbrella.

一滴秋雨扑打在我的冷面上,心也凉了几许。A drop of autumn rain fell on my cold side, and my heart was cold.


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