
事实证明,我只是个没人疼没人爱的孩子。As it turns out, I’m just a child who nobody loves or loves.

请你别悄悄松开你的梦想迟早有一天它会在你手里发光。Please don’t quietly let go of your dream, sooner or later it will shine in your hands.

再怎样,还是现实,我们还是躲避不了。Anyway, it’s still a reality. We can’t avoid it.

凡事要三思,但比三思更重要的是三思而行。Think twice about everything, but more importantly than think twice, think twice and act accordingly.

我知道就算是愚人节我也不会等到你的告白。I know I won’t wait for your confession even on April Fool’s Day.

寂寞、孤单、无人哓!伤心、流泪、一个人!Lonely, lonely, nobody! Sadness, tears, a person!

对一个年轻人而言最重要的是个人价值的增加。The most important thing for a young man is to increase his personal value.

跟你东扯西扯废话连篇,反正就是想说,爱你。Tell you a lot of nonsense, anyway, just want to say, love you.

回忆,越美越可怕,越挣扎,眼泪越是要落下。Memories, the more beautiful the more terrible, the more struggle, the more tears to fall.

甲喜欢乙,乙喜欢丙,爱情本来就是这样。A likes B, B likes C. That’s what love is all about.


迩是硪的优乐美,这样硪喝完就可以把��扔掉咯。You are my grace and beauty, so I can throw you away after drinking.

时间就是答案,它证明了一切,也忘记了一切。Time is the answer. It proves everything and forgets everything.

你的谎言过多,我都分不清那是誓言还是谎言了。You lie too much. I can’t tell if it’s a promise or a lie.

生活看的像白面一样,其实不能做太多,否则面不够。Life looks like white face, in fact, can not do too much, otherwise face is not enough.

每个人都怕爱太深。,我不敢太爱一个人。Everyone is afraid that love is too deep. I dare not love someone too much.

会让我因为梦里他受了伤而哭醒的人,我一定很爱他。I will love the man who woke me up crying because he was hurt in my dream.

复制签名不一定就是抄袭,而是找到了共鸣。Copying signatures is not necessarily plagiarism, but finding resonance.

并不是每个人都有被我关心的权利,所以你已经很幸福了。Not everyone has the right to be cared for by me, so you are very happy.

我们献给青春最好的礼物,就是奋斗!The best gift we give to youth is struggle!

我是一个自演自导的小丑,只活在我自己的小世界。I am a self-directed clown, living only in my own small world.
