
无论我是不是念念不忘,那些青春,都曾无处安放。Whether I miss it or not, those youths have never been put in place.

既然爱情是从血开始的,那我就用血来结束他。Since love begins with blood, I will end it with blood.

既然你选择了离开,就不要在转身后哭泣。Now that you choose to leave, don’t cry after turning around.

不用怕,不要愁,十年后,所有的事,都只是下酒菜。Don’t be afraid. Don’t worry. Ten years later, everything is just drinking and cooking.

最好的感觉莫过于你闹情绪有人来迁就你。The best feeling is that someone comes to accommodate you when you are upset.

似乎是没有欲求的开端,总是以备受打击而结束。It seems that there is no desirable beginning, and it always ends up being hit hard.

上一刻还是泪流满面,努力转身后是笑容面。The last moment is still full of tears, trying to turn around is a smiling face.

让我忘不掉的,依然是那个你对我好的曾经。What I can’t forget is that you were good to me.

不要说你有多在乎我,其实你也不是非我不可。Don’t say how much you care about me, in fact, you are not obliged to me.

请认真一次,好好珍惜身边的每一个。Please take it seriously once and cherish everyone around you.


时间不会让我忘记你,只会习惯没有你。Time will not let me forget you, will only be accustomed to the absence of you.

不了解一个人的过去,就没资格评判他的现在。If you don’t know a person’s past, you are not qualified to judge his present.

深深的爱着你,你却冷言冷语轻描淡写的逃避。Deeply in love with you, but you sneer and understate the escape.

与其等别人来爱你,不如自己多爱自己一点。It’s better to love yourself more than to wait for others to love you.

一个坚强的女人,终究还是败给了命运的蹉跎。A strong woman, eventually lost to the poor fate.

爱情像手中留不住的沙,越想握紧越留不住他。Love is like sand in the hand, the more you want to hold it, the more you can’t hold it.

是人是狗,是敌是友,时间长了自己瞅。A man is a dog, an enemy is a friend, and he has seen it for a long time.

太阳的温度即使在高,始终也熔化不了我的泪。The temperature of the sun, even at a high level, can never melt my tears.

回忆还是温热的,但承诺却已经冷却了。Memories are still warm, but promises have cooled down.

因为谎言太多,所以不得不终结生命才能彻底再见。Because there are so many lies, I have to end my life to see you again.
