

我要瘦成一道闪电,雷死那些笑我胖的人。I want to thin into a flash of lightning, thunder to death those who laugh at me fat.

期待,是所有心痛的根源,心不动,则不痛。Expectation is the root of all heartache. If the heart stays still, it won’t hurt.

我看见的你是蓝色的、你看见的我是透明的。I see you are blue, you see me transparent.

实现自己既定的目标,必须能耐得住寂寞单干。To achieve their goals, we must be able to stand alone.

要习惯任何人的忽冷忽热,也要习惯任何人的渐行渐远。Get used to everyone’s cold and hot, and get used to everyone’s fading away.

抬头看天,不是因为惭愧,而是因为无言以对。Looking up at the sky is not because of shame, but because of silence.

我喜欢你,我是真心的,总有一天我会拥有你。I like you, I am sincere, one day I will have you.

亲,这个世界不是我想要的样子,可以退货么?Pro, this world is not what I want, can I return it?

自欺欺人的剧情,永远不会在我身上上演。The story of self-deception will never happen to me.

如果时间能抵消感伤,我愿意无限制燃烧。If time can offset sentiment, I am willing to burn unlimited.


新伤覆旧伤,盖不及,修不好,唯有勇敢是唯一自救武器。The only self-saving weapon is bravery.

时光让我遇见你,却没教会我如何跟你走下去。Time let me meet you, but did not teach me how to walk with you.

如果我说我现在很好,你是不是可以不要在出现。If I say I’m fine now, can you stop appearing?

如今这世界畜生越来越多,肉却是一点也没有便宜。Nowadays there are more and more animals in the world, but meat is not cheap at all.

一切都是暂时的,一切都会消逝;让失去的变为可爱。Everything is temporary, everything will disappear; let the lost become lovely.

爱你的人才不会给你买高跟鞋咧,因为他怕你难受。The person who loves you won’t buy you high-heeled shoes, because he’s afraid you’ll suffer.

就天使降临的在那一刻,我笑着笑着就笑出了眼泪。At the moment of angel’s arrival, I laughed and laughed and cried.

我的悲哀,你不会懂,雨后不再有彩虹。My sadness, you can’t understand, there is no rainbow after the rain.

是不是因为我给不了你想要的幸福。你才对我不屑一顾。Is it because I can’t give you the happiness you want? You just disdain me.

每天早上醒来发型都不一样,不是赛亚人就是奥特曼。Every morning I wake up with a different hairstyle, either Saiya or Ottoman.
