
挥袖抬眸,乱了烟花,携手踏尘沙。Waving sleeves and raising eyes, chaotic fireworks, hand in hand to tread the dust.

秋风起兮木叶飞,吴江水兮鲈正肥。The autumn wind blows and leaves fly, while the water bass in Wujiang River is fertilizing.

在天愿为比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝。In heaven, it is a winged bird, in the earth, it is a branch.

九马画山数命运,一生伴君不羡仙。Jiuma paints mountains and counts fates. He never envies immortals with you all his life.

酒醒只在花前坐,酒醉还来花下眠。Alcohol only sits in front of the flowers, while drunken flowers come to sleep.

蝶梦花丛丛中花,花恋寒雪蝶恋花。Butterflies dream of flowers in the bushes, flowers love cold snow butterflies love flowers.

为君赴往黄泉路,君为红纱一往情。For you to go to Huangquan Road, for you to love red yarn.

万年惊醒徒一梦,欲寻旧迹已尘封。A dream awakens all the year round, and it is dusty to search for old traces.

生前天下知其少,死后无人不识君。Little is known before birth, and no one knows no gentleman after death.

种如是因,收如是果,一切唯心造。If the seed is the cause, if the harvest is the result, all idealistic creation.


婆罗樱花终相见,相伴人世共翩跹。The cherry blossoms of Brahma meet at last, accompanying the whole world.

长相思兮长相忆,短相思兮无穷极。Looks great, looks short and Acacia.

夜阑卧听风吹雨,铁马冰河入梦来。Night lie listening to the wind and rain, Tiema glacier into a dream.

古今风雨花依旧,却是新知换故交。Ancient and modern flowers are still the same, but new knowledge for old friends.

恍然今生的我,就是前世轻狂的她。Suddenly in this life, I am the frivolous woman of the previous life.

我是檐上三寸雪,你是人间惊鸿客。I am three inches of snow on the eaves. You are a great surprise on earth.

君子之交淡如水,小人之交甘若醴。A gentleman’s acquaintance is as light as water, and a villain’s acquaintance is as sweet as lick.

野蔓有情萦战骨,残阳和依照空城?Wild vines with love linger in the bones of war, the sun and according to the empty city?

人生自是有情痴,此恨不关风与月。Life is an infatuation, this hatred is irrelevant to the wind and the moon.

若得青锋三尺剑,醉罢斩天落长虹。If you get the three-foot sword of Qingfeng, you will be drunk and fall into the rainbo
