我是会陪着你的人,更是会伴你到老的人。I am the one who will accompany you, and even the one who will accompany you to old age.
原来这就是故事的结局,我们没有在一起。So that’s the end of the story. We’re not together.
那些曾经的回忆,想起时,还会痛吗?Those memories, remember when, will it still hurt?
往事随风如过眼烟云,一切都无法永留心间。The past is like a cloud of smoke, everything can not be forever kept in mind.
那段甜蜜的过程,很幸福,真的很幸福!That sweet process, very happy, really happy!
感谢那时你牵过我的手,还能感受那温柔。Thank you for holding my hand and feeling the tenderness.
分手后,有意无意的老是触碰那伤人的过往。After the break-up, intentionally or unintentionally always touched the wounding past.
其实我不敢想象,没有你,生活会怎样。Actually, I can’t imagine what life would be like without you.
偷偷的看你,偷偷的想你,偷偷的爱你。Look at you secretly, think of you secretly, love you secretly.
藏了情绪,不带一丝人气,成了橡皮人。Hidden emotions, without a trace of popularity, became rubber man.
爱情使人忘记时间,时间也使人忘记爱情。Love makes one forget time, and time makes one forget love.
人哪,一向只对自己宽容,对他人严苛。Man, he is always tolerant of himself and strict with others.
在寒冷的冬天,想起你,总是会温暖许多。In the cold winter, think of you, will always warm a lot.
分手后,我努力学着微笑,却笑得比哭还难看。After breaking up, I tried to learn to smile, but it was uglier than crying.
真朋友总是难求,有一个已经觉得富有。True friends are always hard to find, and one has already felt rich.
一场独角戏,何须我这样的渺小配角。Why do I need such a small supporting role in a one-man play?
彼此相爱就是幸福,如此简单如此难。Love each other is happiness, so simple and so difficult.
一直听着一首歌,不停地想着一个人。Always listen to a song, constantly thinking about a person.
原谅我交不起房租,却想永久的住在你心里。Forgive me for not paying the rent, but want to live in your heart forever.
我已经习惯了你的冷落,可是我却不能冷落你。I’m used to your coldness, but I can’t coldness you.