一阵风吹来,蜻蜓花摇了几下,那样子多迷人,真像一位穿花裙的姑娘在跳着优美的舞蹈。When a gust of wind came, the dragonfly flower shook several times. It was so charming that it really looked like a girl in a flowery skirt dancing gracefully.
啊,牵牛花开了。六角形的花,像个小酒杯,在阳光的照耀下显得更加显眼夺目。Ah, morning glory is blooming. Hexagonal flowers, like a small wine cup, are more conspicuous in the sunshine.
喇叭花的叶子碧绿碧绿的,稠密得很,远远看去,就像一匹绿布挂在空中。The leaves of the trumpet are green and dense, which looks like a green cloth hanging in the sky from a distance.
清风吹过,一阵阵花雨飘落下来,山野像铺上了一床彩色的大锦被。As the breeze blew, a shower of flowers and rain fell down, and the mountain seemed to be covered with a large bed of colorful quilts.
石竹花从纷乱的杂草中探出头,它们粉红色的笑脸真好看!Dianthus flowers poke their heads out of the chaotic weeds. Their pink smiling faces are so beautiful!
春天,娇嫩的绿叶中,一簇簇洁白如玉、薄如轻纱的海棠花盛开了。In spring, among the delicate green leaves, clusters of crabapple blossoms, white as jade and thin as gauze, are in full bloom.
田野里,一片红艳艳的紫云英,像燃起的熊熊火焰。In the field, a red and brilliant purple cloud is like a flaming fire.
爱一个人不需要任何理由,一直等到彼岸花开。Love a person without any reason, until the other side of the blossom.
花儿纷飞,微风轻抚,色彩散落,灯火燃起。Flowers are flying, breezes are caressing, colours are scattered and lights are burning.
桃花点缀着爱情,爱情点缀着桃花,花开花落中,爱在步步向前。Peach blossoms adorned with love, love adorned with peach blossoms, flowers in the fall, love is moving forward step by step.
月季花在一年四季里,每个季节里都绽放新颜,它的那种顽强的精神,值得我们去学习。Rose blossoms in all seasons of the year, each season is blooming a new face, its kind of indomitable spirit, it is worth learning.
五星花鲜红鲜红的,就像一颗颗灿烂的小红星点缀在一片绿叶之中,十分好看。Five-star flowers are bright red, like bright red stars dotted in a green leaf, very beautiful.
茉莉花,它虽然没有玫瑰花的美,没有牡丹花的高贵,没有杜鹃的艳姿。Jasmine, although it does not have the beauty of roses, no nobility of peony, no beauty of azaleas.
每逢秋风来临,露水成霜时,树叶脱落了,群花萎缩了,惟有菊花迎风而立,傲霜怒放,五彩缤纷,千姿百态。When the autumn wind comes and the dew frosts, the leaves fall off and the flowers shrink. Only the chrysanthemum stands up against the wind, the pride frost blooms in full swing, and it is colorful and varied.
我用自己的独白,静候彼岸花的盛开。我用自己的独白,静候彼岸花的盛开。I use my monologue to wait for the other shore flowers to blossom. I use my monologue to wait for the other shore flowers to blossom.
在你我的世界里,即使没有了海誓诺,没有了玫瑰花,但又何妨!In your world and mine, even if there is no vow, no roses, but why not!
月季红艳艳的花儿在枝头怒放,颜色是那么浓,那么纯,没有一点杂色,简直像一团燃烧的火焰。Rose flowers are in full bloom in the branches, the color is so thick, so pure, without any variegation, it is like a burning flame.
一列美人蕉,盛开着红色、黄色而带着黑斑的大朵的花,正伸张了大口,向着灿烂的春光微笑。A row of bananas, blooming with large red, yellow and black flowers, are opening their mouths and smiling at the brilliant spring.
粉红的桃花,雪白的梨花,娇艳的海棠花,笔盈盈地竞相怒放。Pink peach blossom, snow-white pear blossom, beautiful crabapple blossom, the pen is in full bloom.
月光下,仿佛碧玉一样的荷叶挺立在水中,连成一片,是那样亲密无间。Under the moonlight, the lotus leaves, like jasper, stand upright in the water, joined together, so intimate.