
如果还有下一次遇见请你在人群中抱紧我,或者形同陌路。If there is another meeting, please hold me tight in the crowd, or be strangers.

时间把我推向了未来,可以我却把心丢在了原地。Time has pushed me to the future, but I have lost my heart in the same place.

你是夏日繁盛的香樟,扎根在我温暖的心房。You are the summer flourishing camphor, rooted in my warm heart.

不怕路太远找不到终点,就怕两个世界画不成一个圆。Not afraid that the road is too far to find the end, but afraid that the two worlds can not draw a circle.

总是想着把关于你的所有删掉,却永远在心里删不掉。Always think about deleting everything about you, but never in mind.

最好的爱情便是,清楚的开始,糊涂的继续。The best love is to start clearly and continue confusedly.

你停在生命的出入口,为我找寻一块无雨的天空。You stop at the entrance and exit of life to find a rainless sky for me.

最好的感觉是当你朝他看过去时,他已经在凝视着你。The best feeling is that when you look at him, he’s already staring at you.

我不愿意爱他一生一世,因为我想要爱他生生世世。I don’t want to love him all my life, because I want to love him all my life.

曾被针尖扎破的指尖早已愈合,你去了谁的天涯。The fingertips that had been punctured by the needle tips had healed long ago. Whose horizon did you go?


爱一个人不会去在意她的性别,只会在意自己爱不爱她而已。Love a person will not care about her gender, only care about whether they love her or not.

我总是喜欢往窗外看只不过是不想看到你看她那个眼神。I always like to look out of the window but I just don’t want to see that look in her eyes.

如果分手的恋人还能做朋友,要不从没爱过,要不还在爱着。If a lover who breaks up can be a friend, either he has never been in love or he is still in love.

世界旋转着我们的生命,一天一天的接近死亡。The world revolves around our lives, approaching death day by day.

我没有那么伟大,我所要的幸福,就是能和你一起白头偕老。I am not so great. All I want to be happy is to grow old together with you.

人生的成功不在于拿到一副好牌,而是怎样将坏牌打好。Success in life does not lie in getting a good card, but in playing a bad card well.

也许,这个社会,需要的不是微笑而是伪装。Perhaps, in this society, what we need is not a smile but a camouflage.

比起你的承诺,时间更能考验你对我爱的耐心。Time tests your patience with my love more than your promise.

怪我自己记忆太好,无法抹去你给的爱与恨。Blame myself for remembering too well to erase the love and hatred you have given.

我不想听你有多么爱我,我只想知道你可以陪我多久。I don’t want to hear how much you love me. I just want to know how long you can stay with me.
