
天总会黑,人总会离,谁也不能永远陪谁。It will always be dark, people will always leave, no one can always accompany anyone.

我用时间证明了我喜欢你,你用时间证明了我是个傻子。I have used time to prove that I like you, and you have used time to prove that I am a fool.

好美丽的世界里,为什么总有那么多不美丽的事情牵绊。In a beautiful world, why are there so many things that are not beautiful?

打雷的时候,站在大树底下,对老天爷说,我也要穿越!When thunder strikes, stand under a big tree and say to God, I will cross it too!

真正爱一个人,并不是要在一起。而是,只要你过的比我好。Really love a person, not to be together. But as long as you live better than me.

如果有一天你有勇气,请勇敢的和我对视,大声说爱我。If one day you have courage, please look at me bravely and say love me loudly.

有一个号码,一直记得,却再也不会打电话发信息过去了。There is a number that I always remember, but I will never call again to send messages.

在你坚持不住的时候,记得告诉自己,再坚持一下。When you can’t hold on, remember to tell yourself and stick to it again.

我不和你对视,我怕,因为你眼里的眼屎我看见过了。I don’t look at you, I’m afraid, because I saw the shit in your eyes.

不能预知未来的我,起码现在很清楚爱的人是你。I can not predict the future, at least now it is clear that the person you love is you.


这辈子只有一个心愿,仅仅是你能永远陪在我身边。There is only one wish in this life, just that you can always be with me.

海与天之间本没有距离,相隔的只是仰头思念的高度。There is no distance between the sea and the sky, only the height of yearning.

你不在,没有人再为了我的一句玩笑,拼了命。You’re not here. Nobody’s going to go all out for a joke.

我还没有坚强到,可以自己来抗所有犯下的错。I’m not strong enough to fight all the mistakes I’ve made.

没有不能在一起的两个人、只有靠不拢的两颗心。There are no two people who can’t be together, only two hearts that can’t be together.

我们不合适,是在不相爱的时候才不合适。We are not suitable, it is not suitable when we do not love.

爱情,如果全靠漂亮来维持它的健康,定会夭折。Love, if all depends on beauty to maintain its health, will die.

把我当朋友的人。只要你不走。那么,我就会一直在。People who treat me as friends. As long as you don’t go. Well, I’ll always be there.

忽然发现,这个世界每个地方,都不是那么简单。Suddenly found that the world is not so simple everywhere.

等不到我要的情,我宁愿亲手埋了自己的爱。I would rather bury my own love than wait for the love I want.
