原来容忍不需要天分,只需要爱错一个人。The original tolerance does not need genius, just need to love the wrong person.
再也不跟异性玩了,搞不好在别人嘴里成了打情骂俏。No longer play with the opposite sex. Maybe it becomes flirtatious in other people’s mouth.
我不是高傲,也不是野蛮,我只是厌倦了所有的敷衍和争吵。I’m not arrogant or barbaric. I’m just tired of all the perfunctory and quarrelling.
别因为寂寞而错爱,也别因为错爱而寂寞一生。Don’t love wrong because of loneliness, and don’t live lonely because of wrong love.
记忆可以剥离出心底的温暖,让歌声只剩悲凉。Memory can strip away the warmth of the heart, leaving only sad songs.
天空似乎承受不了呢么多承重,雨点全部重重的砸在地上。The sky seems to be unable to bear so many loads, all the rain hit the ground heavily.
等待着与你一生到老的爱情,却换来了你的一句分手吧。Waiting for your life to old love, but in exchange for a breakup of your bar.
风吹起如花的流年、而你成为最唯美的点缀。The wind blows like a flower, and you become the most beautiful embellishment.
你的孤独是因为你既希望有人关心,又不想被谁过分打扰。Your loneliness is because you want to be cared for and not disturbed too much by anyone.
人生有四苦:看不透,舍不得,输不起,放不下。There are four hardships in life: unable to see through, reluctant to part with, unable to lose, unable to let go.
要想让自己无可替代,你必须总是与众不同。To be irreplaceable, you must always be different.
放开你的结果就是你半夜踢开被子,而我要陪你一起感冒。The result of letting go of you is that you kick the quilt in the middle of the night, and I’m going to catch a cold with you.
不要埋怨别人让你失望了。怪我们自己期望太多。Don’t blame others for disappointing you. Blame ourselves for expecting too much.
我始终相信星星会说话石头会开花,你终会抵达。I always believe that the stars can talk and the stones will blossom and you will arrive.
我是钥匙你是锁,没我开锁,你永远走不掉。I am the key. You are the lock. You can never walk away without me unlocking it.
有时候,就是想疯癫一下,因为情绪低落。Sometimes, I just want to go mad, because I’m depressed.
我有一个骂不走,打也打不走的对象,我凭什么不对他好。I have an object who can’t scold or fight. Why am I not good to him?
我不介意你爱上她,只求别剥夺我爱你的权利。I don’t mind if you fall in love with her. Just don’t deprive me of my right to love you.
你是什么人,只有你自己知道,没人能爬到你的肚里看。Who are you? Only you kno No one can climb into your stomach.
明明喜欢的是你,却在你面前开着你和别人的玩笑。It’s you who clearly like, but in front of you are making fun of you and others.