拽在手里的才是最真实的!不然你也只是空气!The most real thing is to drag it in your hand! Otherwise you’re just air!
亲爱的,我会给你闭上眼睛、捂起耳朵的信任。Honey, I will close your eyes and cover your ears with trust.
牵着你的手突然发现你值得我去爱。Hold your hand and suddenly find you worthy of my love.
用玫瑰象征爱情,是因为它的花瓣,还是它的刺。The rose symbolizes love because of its petals or thorns.
一个你,一个我,一心一意,爱就是这么简单。One you, one me, one heart, love is so simple.
别翻我的草稿本,上面写的全都是你的名字。Don’t flip through my draft, it’s all your name.
我们都有同样的回忆,唯一就是少了些过去。We all have the same memories, the only thing is to have less of the past.
烟火拥有美丽容貌,却还有着可怕的声音。Fireworks have beautiful features, but there are terrible sounds.
要是爱你爱的少些,话就可以说的多些了。If you love you less, you can say more.
我畏寒却偏爱冬天,三分钟热度也曾等你漫长许多年。I’m afraid of cold but I prefer winter. Three minutes of heat has been waiting for you for many years.
如果你上不了诺亚方舟,我就留下来陪你。If you can’t get on Noah’s ark, I’ll stay with you.
如果可以选择的话,不要用恨来结束一段爱。If you can choose, don’t end a love with hate.
世界真的很小,好像一转身,就不知道会遇见谁。The world is really small. It seems that once you turn around, you don’t know who you will meet.
姑娘你能不能昂首挺胸不低头,别轻易把眼泪留给狗。Girl, can you hold your head up and not bow your head? Don’t leave your tears to the dog easily.
若不是看遍了千山万水,谁会相信平平淡淡才是真。If it hadn’t been for all the mountains and rivers, who would have believed that plain and insipid is true?
当幸福来敲门的时候,我怕我不在家,所以一直都很宅。When happiness knocks at the door, I’m afraid I’m not at home, so I’ve always been very homeless.
雾未散尽,你支一小舟,在江南里慢摇。The fog has not been cleared, you set up a boat, slowly swaying in the south of the Yangtze River.
不知道从何时,我的喜怒哀乐都有你的陪伴。I don’t know when my joys and sorrows will be accompanied by you.
你要寻找的,只是彼岸的花朵,盛开在不可触及的别处。What you are looking for is only the flowers on the other side, blooming elsewhere that cannot be touched.
我们的爱情。虽没有甜言蜜语,但已经用行动证明。Our love. Although there is no sweet talk, it has been proved by action.