
你陪着我成长,我抱着你到老。You accompany me to grow up, I hold you to old age.

女人的直觉是最准的,尤其是要分手的时刻。Women’s intuition is the most accurate, especially when it comes to breaking up.

惧怕爱情就是惧怕生活,而惧怕生活的人就等于半具僵尸。Fear of love is fear of life, and fear of life is half a zombie.

两个人在一起是因为爱,分开是因为更爱。Two people are together because of love, separated because of love.

我要画下彩虹的颜色,送�m当作礼物。I want to paint the color of the rainbow and present you as a gift.

深爱是种让人欲罢不能的习惯。Deep love is a habit that people can’t stop.

你所在的城是我思念的源泉。Your city is the source of my yearning.

你永远不知道特意避开你目光的那个人有多喜欢你。You never know how much the person who avoids your eyes likes you.

一觉醒来,开始憧憬爱情,而爱情刚好做了场诡异的梦。When I wake up, I begin to look forward to love, which happens to have a strange dream.

给我一句晚安,让我知道今天有你在。Give me a good night and let me know you are here today.


你像那年最好吃的零食,我是认真地为你胖过。You’re like the best snack of the year. I earnestly overweight you.

爱是无辜的风筝,拉着最在乎的人。Love is an innocent kite, pulling the most cared about people.

那些暧昧的小情绪,已经被我沉淀成永远了。Those ambiguous little emotions have been precipitated into forever by me.

我带着重重的行李去找你,里面塞满了勇气。I came to you with my heavy luggage, which was full of courage.

人与人之间,只要不互爱,一切就可以变得很简单。As long as there is no mutual love between people, everything can become very simple.

白头偕老不就是染个头发,打掉几颗牙的问题。It’s not a matter of dyeing your hair and getting rid of a few teeth.

我用最美的时光来爱你,你却在最美的时光将我遗忘。I love you in the most beautiful time, but you forget me in the most beautiful time.

路人之间,除了擦肩,再不会回头多看一眼。Passers-by, in addition to shoulder wiping, will not look back more.

我只有一刻会温柔,但是被狗吃了。I’ll be gentle for a moment, but the dog ate me.

躲你不知道有多累,可不躲你我的心不知道又会有多累。Hide you don’t know how tired, but don’t hide your heart don’t know how tired it will be.
