

现在的我们,回不去以前,笑容总多了分忧愁。Now, before we can’t go back, we always have more sad smiles.

不是我不爱你的过去,而是你的过去里没有我。It’s not that I don’t love your past, but that you didn’t have me in your past.

如果我是真的爱你,你会不会原谅我犯的所有错。If I really love you, will you forgive me for all my mistakes?

我会安安静静的哭,安安静静的认输。I will cry quietly and give up quietly.

你说的话除了标点符号是真的,还有什么是真的。What you say is true besides the punctuation marks.

原谅不必跟随着抱歉,眼泪也不必为了纪念。Forgiveness doesn’t have to be followed by sorry. Tears don’t have to be remembered.

天黑了被孤独拥抱着,一个人回忆你的体温。When it’s dark and hugged by loneliness, one remembers your temperature.

一个人越知道时间的价值,就越感到失时的痛苦。The more one knows the value of time, the more he feels the pain of losing it.

虚伪的人们,需要的是幸福,而幸福,需要的是我们。Hypocritical people need happiness, and happiness needs us.

你可以将我视为空气,可我终做不到把你视为尘埃。You can think of me as air, but I can’t think of you as dust.


我多想在还能想起你日子里,告诉你我有多爱你。I want to tell you how much I love you in the days when I can still remember you.

看着你的照片,我不停的在傻笑,一直笑到眼泪留出来。Looking at your photos, I kept laughing until tears came out.

我对你的好,假装没看到。你对我的好,我当真没看。I’m good to you. Pretend not to see it. I really didn’t see your kindness to me.

爱情葬礼后的每一天,那颗不安的心,度日如年。Every day after the funeral of love, that uneasy heart spends its days like a year.

如果你不是瞎子,就别用你的耳朵了解我!If you are not blind, don’t know me with your ears!

这个世界上,最值得你爱的,除了父母,只有你自己。In this world, the most worthy of your love, in addition to your parents, only you.

当你觉得你喜欢的人也喜欢你的时候,一般是你想多了。When you think that the person you like likes you, you usually think too much.

固执要得到想要的一切,付出多少代价只有自己最清楚。To be stubborn and get everything you want, you have to know how much you will pay.

一颗心属于你很久,分开了依然爱着。A heart belongs to you for a long time, separated and still loved.

虽然我不会陪你到死去、但是我可以尽我所能的去陪你。Although I will not accompany you to death, but I can do my best to accompany you.
