不要说什么我变了,就好像你曾经多了解我一样。Don’t say I’ve changed, as if you knew me better.
怎么一句话都不说,就这样选择把爱埋葬起来。Never say a word, so choose to bury love.
你永远都不知道屏幕那边的人是不是真的喜欢你。You never know if the person on the other side of the screen really likes you.
当全世界约好一起下雨,让我们约好心里一起放晴。When the world makes an appointment to rain together, let’s make an appointment to clear our hearts together.
你越来越善解人意,就没人在意你的计较和委屈。As you become more and more understanding, nobody cares about your complaints and grievances.
我只是远远地注视着你,一个注定没有结局的约定。I’m just looking at you from afar, an agreement doomed to no end.
这个世上有个词语叫在劫难逃,既然这样索性不逃。There’s a word in the world called “doom and doom”, since it’s so easy to escape.
喜欢看她的笑,就像在看烟花或是流星一样。Like watching her laugh, just like watching fireworks or meteors.
我不贪心。只有一个小小的愿望:生命中永远有你。I am not greedy. There is only one small wish: you will always be in life.
别指望我了解,别指望我体会,爱不是点痛就能挽回。Don’t expect me to know, don’t expect me to know, love can’t be saved with a little pain.
我是一粒棋子,过了河,没路可回了。I am a chess piece, crossing the river, there is no way back.
我们可以耐心等,幸福可以来的慢一些,只要它是真的。We can wait patiently, happiness can come slower, as long as it is true.
天在哭泣,心在滴血突然间觉得自己在人世间活的好渺茫。The sky is crying, the heart is dripping blood suddenly feel that they are living in the world of the good dim.
感情到了最沉重的一步:是我仍愿意听,你却不愿再讲。Feelings to the heaviest step: I still want to listen, but you do not want to talk.
真爱,是放手放生放自由,还是不顾一切地挽留?True love, is it to let go, to let go, to let go, or to detain at all costs?
孤独不是与生俱来的,而是你爱上一个人的那一刻开始。Loneliness is not born, but the moment you fall in love with someone.
我发现、已经习惯了你抱着我入眠。I found, have been accustomed to you holding me to sleep.
俄觉得自己就是个笨蛋,一直在幻想。I think I’m a fool, I’ve been fantasizing.
若你没有遇到可以带你回家的人,我便带你走。If you don’t meet anyone who can take you home, I’ll take you away.
自己给自己打个结。却忘记了怎么解开。Make a knot for yourself. But I forgot how to untie it.