不是不爱了,只是因为爱的心累了,痛了。It’s not that you don’t love anymore, just because your heart is tired and painful.
吊你的时候你是个吊,不吊你的时候你连吊都不是。When you hang you, you are a hanger. When you don’t hang you, you don’t even hang.
闭着眼睛往前走、就会忘记后面发生不开心的事了。If you go forward with your eyes closed, you will forget that something unhappy happened behind you.
那个为你擦干眼泪的,才是最后和你相守的人。The one who wipes your tears is the last one to stay with you.
少走了弯路,也就错过了风景。无论如何,感谢经历。If you take less detours, you will miss the scenery. Anyway, thank you for your experience.
当眼泪流下来的那一刻,我知道,分开也是一种明白。When tears flow down, I know that separation is also a kind of understanding.
想留住身边的女人,就要让她知道,你随时都在想她。If you want to keep the woman around you, let her know that you miss her all the time.
眼色是女子们常用以补充她们对于一个男子的意见。Eyes are often used by women to supplement their opinions about a man.
习惯了和你在一起时的习惯,现在都改不掉了。I used to be with you, but now I can’t get rid of it.
也许只有真正走出来了,才会发现那不是唯一。Maybe it’s only when you really get out that you will find that it’s not the only one.
爱上你的人,依旧是路人。娶了你的那个人,才叫家人。Those who love you are still passers-by. The man who married you is the family.
多么希望我一上线你就能看到,但是现实是那么的残酷。How I wish you could see it when I go online, but the reality is so cruel.
谁拿我没辙,我偏要给你我的独特。Whoever takes me is wrong. I’m going to give you my uniqueness.
每一步都是悲伤的挣扎,带着牵挂。Every step is a sad struggle, with concern.
失去的人那么多,唯独你离开最难过。There are so many people lost, only you leave the most sad.
有谁会在路过我空间时,在我留言板上说句:你还好么?Who would pass my space and say on my message board: Are you okay?
能被你抢走的东西,是我扔下的垃圾。What you can take away is the rubbish I left behind.
目光始终向你未曾离,别在制造假想敌。Keep your eyes on you. Don’t make imaginary enemies.
你说,人生如戏,所以,我陪你演戏。You say, life is like a play, so I will play with you.
不值得的人就别等,等来的只是更多的伤害。Don’t wait for people who are not worth it. They just wait for more harm.