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关于”季节的句子“的英语句子46个,句子主体:Seasonal sentences。

英文句子模板1:Seasonal sentences

1、Figures in brackets denote seasonally unadjusted quarter-to-quarter percentage changes. 括号内数字指未经季节性调整的按季变动百分率。

2、The photosynthetic abilities of A. ginnala with seasonal adaptability are still higher under low temperatures in autumn, so A. ginnala has higher view value. 通过以上分析认为,茶条槭光合能力有季节性的适应,秋季低温季节仍具有较高的光合能力,并具较高的观赏价值。

3、And the newly listed fruits: yellow orange, red apple, white pears, they are quietly tell you: autumn is the harvest season, is the season of harvest. 还有那新上市的水果:黄澄澄的桔子、红通通的苹果、雪白的鸭梨,它们都在悄悄地告诉你:秋天是丰收的季节,是收获的季节。

4、Habitat-haul Harvest time Harvest time was the best time of the year. 收割季节 收割季节是xx年中的最好时间。

5、Also some rests assume the seasonal outbreak, many spring is taken bad in the fall. 也有的息者呈季节性发作,多在秋春季发病。

6、Notes : Figures in brackets denote seasonally unadjusted quarter-to-quarter percentage changes. 注释:括号内数字指未经季节性调整的按季变动百分率。

7、Sad, say the researchers, can affect anyone but most often affects women。SAD 季节性情绪失调症 研究人员相信,Mary及其他上百万像她一样的人,被一种他们称作季节性情绪失调的病症折磨着。

8、The holiday spirit of the season in one word is – infectious! 节日的精神在赛季是字——传染性!

9、So, have seasonal of melancholia say. 所以,有季节性忧郁症之说。

10、It’s the best season. 这是最美的季节。

11、The blown-wind activity was highest in spring, then in summer, and lowest in the winter. 在季节变化上,风沙活动集中在春季,夏季次之,冬季最少;

12、To season your wok, put it on the stove over medium-high heat for a few minutes. 季节您炒锅,把它放在炉子的中型高温几分钟。

13、However, strong seasonal peasant houses, mainly in non-frozen period and the slack season . 然而,强烈的季节性农民的房屋,主要是在非冰冻期和淡季。

14、Welcome eto the most easily misunderstood season of all, winter, a beautiful season of intimacy and reflection. 欢迎来到这个最易被误解的季节,冬季。这是一个可以亲密相处,同时又可以静下心来思考的美丽季节。

15、The feeding intensity of this species during the spring, summer and autumn were high, comparing to the winter. 花储在温度较高的季节春、夏季摄食最为旺盛,秋季次之,冬季最弱。

16、The plant sprouts new growth every 7-10 days during the growing season. 在生长季节茶树每7-10天能长出新的叶子。

17、Then, take advantage of specials and seasonal foods. 然后就是充分利用特价和季节性食品。

18、It seems that the rainy season made me unhappy, because of the season ? I don’t know, myabe… 细雨蒙蒙的季节,心情跟着快乐不起来,是因为季节么?天知道。

19、Warm greetings and best wishes for happiness and good luck in the coming year! 愿圣诞非你钝乐的季节,愿故年非你幸祸的夜子。

20、The kidney weight was changed in different seasons. In spring, the kidney weight was heavier than in autumn and in winter. 黄羊肾重存在季节性差异,春季肾重大于秋、冬二季;

21、This is gossamer season. 这是游丝的季节。

22、Autumn is considered the “golden season” and The Langham, Yangtze Boutique, Shanghai celebrates with golden offers on seasonal delicacies such as crab, bird’s nest and other popular dishes. 秋天,被称作“金色的季节”,为了庆祝收获的到来,上海朗廷扬子精品酒店精心备宴以配时宜,如螃蟹,燕窝等诸多季节性人气美食。

23、The correlation of fine particles and API has an obvious correlation in different seasons, though the correlation of fine particles and API in spring is the worst. 不同季节大气细粒子与空气污染指数之间的相关关系显著,春季较其它三季的相关系数小一些;

24、The spermary develops seasonally. 精巢的发育具有季节性。

25、The zero isolines are at the northernmost in the winter. 零等值线的季节性摆动,在冬季处于最北端。


26、It is now squirrel season, but atlatls will be allowed in deer, rabbit and other hunting seasons. 现在是猎松鼠季节,不过梭标投射器也可以用于猎鹿、兔子和其它狩猎季节。

27、Skincare is totally seasonal, just like your wardrobe. 护肤品完全是季节性的,好比你的服装。

28、The enzymatic activity of invertase on the forest edge is not obvious in different woodlands, but grows with the seasons. 不同林型林缘酶活性规律不明显,不同季节林缘酶活性总体上随季节更替而增强。

29、We still didn’t grow up of kid, to the concept surprising faintness of season. 我们还是没长大的孩子,对季节的概念出奇的模糊。

30、This pattern is significantly different from that seen during epidemics of seasonal influenza, when most deaths occur in frail elderly people. 这与季节性流感流行期间见到的规律显著不同。发生季节性流感时,死亡主要见于老年体弱者。

31、Welcome to the most easily misunderstood season of all, winter, a beautiful season of intimacy and reflection. 欢迎来到这个最易被误解的季节,冬季。这是一个可以亲密相处,同时又可以静下心来思考的美丽季节。

32、How to treat seasonal rhinitis? 如何治疗季节性鼻炎?

33、Hot HeartsA seasonal favorite for everyone! 热之心对每个人都是季节性的最爱!

34、After all, in all appearances a father’s work in parenting tends to be part-time and seasonal. 总之,从哪一方面看,父亲养育子女的工作接近于兼差或季节性。

35、Based on the theory of season model, different mathematic models were established to study the number of bronchitis each month. 最后,对国际干散货航运市场三个子市场的程租运费率、xx年期和xx年期期租租金率建立季节模型,以研究它们的季节特征。

‘s recent eHoliday Study, 47.1% of retailers surveyed will be increasing their use of social media this holiday season. 来自的电子假日(eHoliday)研究显示47.1%的被调查零售商将会在节日季节增加社会性媒体的使用。

37、Farmers all over the world know the importance and immutability of the seasons. They know that there is a season to plant and a season to harvest; everything must be done in its own time. 全世界的农民们都明白季节的重要性和永恒性。他们知道在哪个季节播种,哪个季节收获,每件事都必须应时而做!

38、The seasonal change of soil water was similar to the seasonal variation of rainfall and plant growth, it could be divided into three periods: consuming period, supplying period and stable period. 土壤水分的季节变化与降水和植物生长的季节性变化相似,可分为三个时期:春季水分消耗期、夏季水分补给期、秋末冬季土壤水分平稳期。

39、This sickness not obvious seasonal characteristic, the summer autumn are slightly many. 本病无明显季节性,夏秋季略多。


40、Trudy: I think peaches are in season. Let’s go! 楚迪: 现在是桃子的季节,走吧!

41、Scientists speculate that this is a seasonal effect, and if so, it will change as the northern hemisphere enters springtime during the next few years. 科学家推测,这是一种季节性效应,如果真是这样的话,在未来几年内随着北半球进入春季,这种季节性效应也会改变。

42、Graduate season is a sad and busy season. 毕业季是一个忧伤和忙碌的季节。

43、Spring is a fantastic time for birding as many seasonal migrants return and nesting season begins. 春季是观鸟的绝佳时候,因为很多季节性的候鸟飞回来了,鸟儿营巢的季节也开始了。

44、Wishing you a Christmas of happy time and new year of happy days! 愿圣诞非你钝乐的季节,愿新年非你幸祸的夜子。

45、Maotai-liquor is a strong seasonally product. 酱香型白酒生产工艺季节性很强。

46、The diversities were the highest in summer and the lowest in autumn. 多样性指数的水平变化不明显,季节变化以夏季最高,秋季最低。

47、The results show that the seasonal characteristics of beach profiles located at the Tiaozini sand ridges are accumulation in autumn-winter and erosion in spring-summer; 结果表明,条子泥陆侧岸滩剖面的季节性变化特点是夏季侵蚀,冬季淤积;

48、But river runoff in Africa can often change dramatically from one season to the next. 但是非洲的河流流量从一个季节到另一个季节可能急剧变化。

49、Conclusion There are seasonal rhythms of the functions in the spleen, thymus and alveolar macrophage in SD rats, which are lower in autumn than that in spring. 结论SD大鼠脾脏指数、胸腺指数、肺泡巨噬细胞吞噬功能存在秋低春高的季节节律,这可能是秋季季节性呼吸系统多发病的病理生理学基础之一。

50、The effect of plant growth regulator on the growth and resistance of cold-season turfgrass were summarized. 综述了植物生长调节剂在调节冷季型草坪草生长和增强冷季型草坪草抗逆性方面的研究进展。


51、Even when autumn passed into winter, Kai went through the whole season as a bad boy. 从秋到冬,凯在整个季节里都像个坏孩子。

52、But so is seasonal flu. 但季节性流感也是如此。

53、Plus, in spring and summertime –silkworm time –we made about 4,000 Yuan. 除此之外,在春季和夏季,养蚕的季节,我们赚到4,000元。

54、What happens to the leaves on the trees in your favourite season? 在你最喜欢的季节里,树木的叶子会怎样?

55、They may also be less clever than classmates born in other seasons as well as being outlived by autumn-born friends. 而且,他们的智商也低于其他季节出生的孩子,寿命也不及秋季出生的孩子。

56、Unlike seasonal flu, which tends to be worst among the elderly, swine flu hits kids hardest. 不像季节性流感,每每是稍年尊长情形最差,猪流感冲击孩子最主要。

57、Tadpole shrimp live in seasonal, freshwater ponds. 鲎虫生活在季节性活水池塘中。

58、I love all the seasons and don’t want the others to get jealous. 我热爱每一个季节,我不希望其它的季节觉得我厚此薄彼。

59、Cap: Well, how about a persimmon? It is in season now, sir? 哦,吃个柿子怎样?现在正是季节,先生?

60、Tour des Voyageurs offers guest an outdoor pool and jacuzzi. 客人可以在季节性室外泳池游泳。

61、It’s a big color this season. People are wearing red shirts, pants, skirts , and dresses. 是的, 红色是这个季节的主要流行色, 人们穿红色的衬衣、裤子、裙子和套装。

62、The canopy seed bank is one of ways for psammophytes to adapt drift sand and seasonal drought. 植冠库是典型沙生植物适应流沙和季节性干旱的主要方式之一。

63、In the fall season, gardenia has its dance, beautiful, beautiful. 在这飘零的季节,栀子花拥有它的舞姿,美丽,娇艳。

64、The coldest growing seasons of the future will be hotter than the hottest in the past. 未来最冷的生长季节将比过去最热的生长季节还来得热。

65、limiting the spread of pandemic, zoonotic and seasonal epidemic influenza; 控制大流行性、人畜共患性和季节性流感的传播;

66、Haa… There are four seasons. 哈哈,有四个季节。

67、They focus mainly on the off-peak period because of the negative impact of seasonality. 他们主要是针对于易于受季节性的负面影响的淡季进行分析。

68、Crude-protein, crude-fat and ash contents rise in Spring , de-crease in Summer. rise again in autumn, and finally decrease in Winter. 季节性规律为:粗蛋白质、粗脂肪和粗灰分在春季高、夏季低,秋季又有所回升,冬季又逐渐下降;

69、The seasonal variation index (SVI) is used to fit the seasonal trend of power load. 季节变动指数(SVI)用来拟合电力负荷的季节性趋势。

70、”It’s a very seasonal place,” Hedges said. “这是一个季节性很强的地方,”赫奇斯说。

71、The water quality has seasonal variation. 泥河水质具有季节性变化。

72、The paulownia will blossom next month. 下个月就是桐子开花的季节了。

73、You may have the winterblues, or seasonal affective disorder (SAD). 也许你患上了冬季抑郁或者是季节性情感抑郁症(SAD)。

74、In the busy season the village looked deserted when all the peasants had gone to the fields. 农忙季节,人都下地了,村子里显得空荡荡的。

75、The demand fluctuates seasonally. 需求随季节而变动。

英文句子模板76:Seasonal sentences

76、It was lambing season. 那是母羊产仔的季节。

77、The current seasonal trivalent vaccine includes the H1N1 (2009) strain, as well as other seasonal strains (H3, B), and will therefore protect against all the expected seasonal influenza viruses. 目前的季节性三价疫苗包括大流行性H1N1病毒株,以及其它季节性病毒株(H3、B),因此对所有预期的季节性流感病毒均具有保护作用。

78、It could be H1N1 or seasonal influenza,” says Shoham. 这有可能是H1N1或季节性流感,”Shoham说。
