
雨停了,云出来了。爱情也在翘首盼望着。The rain stopped and the clouds came out. Love is also looking forward to.

在黑暗中我也要学会坚强,等时间来抚慰我的伤。In the dark, I also need to learn to be strong and wait for time to comfort my wounds.

不做谁的替代品,更不可能是消遣。Not to be a substitute for anyone, much less a pastime.

人人口中的真爱。只不过是人们向往的一个梦。True love in every human being. It’s just a dream people yearn for.

不可压倒一切,但你也不能被一切压倒。Don’t overwhelm everything, but you can’t overwhelm everything.

谢谢你,当初的甜言蜜语,全靠你,造就百毒不侵的我。Thank you, the original sweet words, all rely on you, to create a hundred poisons do not invade me.

我不是小浣熊,玩不出你的其乐无穷。I’m not a raccoon. I can’t play with you.

我再也不会奋不顾身的去爱一个人了,哪怕是你。I will never love a person regardless of myself, even if it is you.

爱你,就尊重你的选择,即使你选择离开。Love you, respect your choice, even if you choose to leave.

若不是你很像她,我想我就不会爱上你。If you weren’t very much like her, I don’t think I would fall in love with you.


下一个承诺就是为了这个承诺来找借口。The next commitment is to make excuses for that commitment.

不爱你的人,你感动他一百遍也没用啊。It’s no use touching someone who doesn’t love you a hundred times.

下次请记住,不要再拿你的脾气来挑战我的个性!Next time, remember, don’t challenge my personality with your temper!

我以为笑代表快乐,所以我拼命的笑。I thought that laughter represented happiness, so I tried my best to laugh.

我不愿做替代品,却又做的那么心甘情愿。I don’t want to be a substitute, but I do so willingly.

为了你,我改变了自己,最后,你却说我变得不像自己。For you, I changed myself, and in the end, you said I didn’t look like myself.

那些情歌是我为你唱过,再没有对错。Those love songs I sang for you, no more right or wrong.

曾经在一瞬间,我们都以为自己长大了。Once in a flash, we all thought we were growing up.

习惯了有你的陪伴,没有你我会觉得不舒服。Having been used to your company, I would feel uncomfortable without you.

风很轻,思念却很透明,怎奈却跨不过爱情。The wind is very light, but the yearning is very transparent, but can not cross love.
