关于”梦想的短句“的英语句子42个,句子主体:Short sentences of dreams。
英文句子模板1:Short sentences of dreams
1、Some see their dreams wither and die while others see their dreams fulfilled. 有些人的梦想破灭了而有些人却实现了梦想。
2、Dream, avers, countless people in compiling the dream of frustrations. 梦想,从古至今,无数的人们在酸甜苦辣中编制着梦想。
3、37. Help others achieve their dreams and you will achieve yours。帮助他人实现他们的梦想,而你也将因此实现你自己的梦想。
4、Dream big, dream often and follow your heart! 敢于梦想,常拥梦想,心随所愿!
5、Dreams Hold fast to dreams For if dreams die Life is a broken-winged bird That cannot fly. 梦想千万不能丢掉梦想/ 因为假如梦想破灭/ 生活就像小鸟断了翅膀/ 再也不能展翅飞翔。
6、To be without dreams is to be without hope. 不要屏弃梦想,没有梦想就没有希望。
7、Before you saying “Give up” to your dream, please think about the considerable effort you put into it. 在你对梦想说放弃之前,请想一想你为这个梦所做的无数的努力。
8、Dream is wings of the powers and the weather vane of the brave. 梦想是强者的翅膀、梦想是勇者的风标。
9、Life is but a dream, be endless , be also brief. 人生如梦,是漫长的,也是简短的。
10、It could be a day trip or a two-week excursion to your dream destination. 可以是梦想目的地的xx日游,也可是两个星期的短途旅行。
11、Dare to dream, dare to dream, the world always makes way for the dreamer. 敢于梦想,勇于梦想,这个世界永远属于追梦的人。
12、You say dreams are dreams. I ain’t gonna play the fool anymore. 你说,梦想就是梦想,我不打算再装傻下去了。
13、If we have not achieve our early dreams, we must either find new ones or see what we can sale from the old. 假如最初的梦想没有实现,我们就必须要么找到新的梦想,要么看看旧的梦想还有什么可挽回的。
14、Harry deceived himself with dreams of success but they never came true. 哈里梦想成功,并以此自欺,但梦想决不成真。
15、Wings dream is a reality, I dream to ride forward. 梦想是现实的翅膀,乘驾梦想我努力向前。
16、No matter career or life should have a dream, the dream comes true ceaselessly, again a new dream comes out, ceaselessly adjacent, adjacent… till oneiromancy . 不论事业还是生活都要有梦想,梦想不断地实现,又有一个新的梦想出来,不断地接近、接近……直到圆梦。
17、No matter the ending is perfect or not, you cannot disappear from my world. and one chance to do all the things you want in life.梦想你的梦想;
18、Everyone has a dream, Martin Luther king had a dream. Mattin Luther king enpowered his dream, and he changde its socity. 人人都有梦想!马丁·路德·金有一个梦想:他赋予梦想力量,改变了社会。
19、Dream your dreams , do your best make it come ture! 梦你想梦的,然后实现它!
20、I have a dream. It is a dream that is deeply rooted in human nature. 我有梦想,这深植于人性之中的梦想。
21、A dream is just a dream. 梦想只是梦而已。
22、Sir Michael has no fancy to return to the familiar dwelling-place in which he once dreamed a brief dream of impossible happiness. 迈克尔爵士不抱幻想,不想回到他熟悉的住宅去了,过去他一度在那儿做过一个短促的、不可能的、幸福之梦。
23、Carry forward huashan sent has been yue not the cer of a dream, this words let yue not the cer strengthened their ideas. 发扬光大华山派一直是岳不群的一个梦想,这一句话让岳不群坚定了自己的想法。
24、It was my dream. 那是我的梦想。
25、Never laught at anyone’s dreams. People who don’t have dreams don’t have much. 对别人的梦想不妄加嘲讽,没有梦想的人不会拥有很多。
26、Chasing the dream, the dream of success. 追逐梦想,筑梦成功。
27、Attitude is everything, dare to dream, contribute to your dream. and this world will always belongs to the dream-chasers. 态度决定命运,敢于梦想,勇于梦想,这个世界永远属于追梦的人。
28、Do not let dream just be your dream. 别让梦想只停留在梦里。
29、The dream is flower seeds, the eagle’s dream is ready to fly. 的梦想是开花结果,雄鹰的梦想是展翅飞翔。
30、Innovators are individuals with dreams and the strength of character to bring their dreams to fruition. 创新的人有梦想,也有成就梦想的性格力量。
31、Never laught at anyone’s dreams. people who don’t have dreams don’t have much. 对别人的梦想不妄加嘲讽,没有梦想的人不会拥有更多。
32、I brought my dreams with me into another dream New York. It was my dream. 我带着我的梦想来到了另一个梦想里面纽约,我的梦想。
33、Dreams are good and every body should be encouraged to have a dream. dreams should not be overbearing and over ambitious. 有梦想总是好的,每个人都应该有自己的梦想,但梦想不能太好高骛远。
34、Do you have a dream? (你有梦想吗?)春梦算吗。
35、There are day dreamers and night dreamers who dream up make – belive places. 世上既有白天做梦的人,也有晚上做梦的人。他们都想入非非的渴望梦想成真的地方。
36、all our dream can come true if we have the courage to persue them.只要我们有追求梦想的勇气,我们的梦想就会实现
37、Boeing 7E7-3 Dreamliner, optimized for shorter flights, will carry 289 passengers in two cl up to 6.500 kilometers. 波音7E7-3“梦想”,在二等客舱布局下,作较短航程飞行(6500公里)载客可达289人。
38、In the novelette The Dream of a Ridiculous Man(1887), Dostoyevsky succeeded in developing and constructing the idealized man and world by dint of the dream of the ridiculous man. 陀思妥耶夫斯基通过短篇小说《荒唐人的梦》里的荒唐人的幻想,完成了理想人的建造以及理想世界的建构。
39、It all started with Annapurna. And, one way or another, it will end with Annapurna. 安纳布尔纳—梦想开始的地方,也是梦想的终点。
40、Everyone has dreams abut a personally fulfilled life… and what is your dream? 每个人都有自己想要实现的梦想,你的梦想是什么呢?
41、During the Kids’ Dream Launching Ceremony on 26 August 2006, we showed a video Our Childhood Dreams that captured the childhood dreams from kindergarten kids to elderly aged over 80. 童梦同想成立典礼中,成员了播放一段他们拍摄的短片「我的儿时梦」,捕捉了一班由幼稚园学童至xx岁以上长者所讲述的童年梦想。
42、You are the dream and you are the one who makes dreams come true. 你的梦想,你是一个人的梦想成真。新年快乐。
43、do not let dream just be your dream. 别让梦想只停留在梦里。
44、People with a dream act differently than non-dreamers. 这是因为有梦想和没有梦想的人的处事方式完全不同。
45、At this time, father’s words point awoke him: “people have a lot of dream, but as long as achieving a is enough.” 这时,爸爸的一句话点醒了他:“人有很多梦想,但只要实现一个就够了。”
46、Even if we don’t come back anymore, please think of me from time to time. 那段短暂的而充满梦想的岁月,即使万物毁灭也不能使之淡去。
47、A great book if you have a dream – or need to dream! 如果你有梦想,或者需要有梦想,这是一本非常棒的著作!
48、A little dreamer… but are dreams always to define? 一个小梦想者…但谁的梦会成真?
49、Downsize your dreams! 缩小你的梦想!
50、It’s become popular over the last several years, to create vision boards in order to manifest your dreams. 在过去的几年中这句话流行起来,并创造出愿景版图来表现出你的梦想。
51、Dream what u want to dream, be what u want to be & go where u want to go, for we have only one life. 翻译?梦你想梦的梦、做你想做的人、去你想去的地方,因为我们只有一个人生。
52、Don’t let dream just be your dream. 别让梦想只停留梦里
53、Being a dreamer but not living in a dream worle. 有所梦想,但不要沉溺于梦想。
54、Life is short and time is swift .人生短暂,时光飞逝. Dreams are necessary to life.梦想是生活的必需品.
55、At the top of one wall i stenciled . The world always makes way for the dreamer . 在一面墙的顶部,我印上了这样一句话:世界总是为梦想者让路。
56、I have a dream which is same as yours , for this dream , I would insist it anyhow … 你的梦想就是我的梦想,为了这个梦想,无论什么我都能坚持英…
57、Dream time offers an opportunity to review the life dream and then forgive those patterns at cause of dreams one does not desire to manifest so that a different dream steps into physicality. 梦想自我提供了一个回顾生活梦想的机会,并随之原谅那些令你所渴望的梦想无法得到显化的模式,从而让一个不同的梦想可以步入现实层。
58、Russia has many a dream, every dream you have. 俄有很多个梦想,每一个梦想都有你。
59、In the night I dreamt about my dreams. 那个晚上,我就可以梦到自己的梦想。
60、Vicky has a lot of wishes in her dream. How about you? 亮亮有很多梦想,你的梦想是什麽呢?
61、Everyone has his dream, and the ancient Pnix City is my dream place. 人都是有梦想的,湖南的凤凰古城就是我梦想的地方。
62、Within one short year of that initial vision, the land was found, funds were raised, like-minded people gathered, and community life began. 在短短的xx年时间的梦想中,土地被找到了,基金也聚集起来了,相同理想的人也聚拢了,社区生活开始了。
63、If we have not achieved our early dreams, we must either find new ones or see what we can sale from the old. 假如最初的梦想没有实现,我们就必须要麽找到新的梦想,要麽看看旧的梦想还有什麽可挽回的。
64、When I was young, I had a beautiful but breakable dream. Nowadays my dream is the motive for my goal. 儿时的梦想是美丽而又易碎的梦,现在的梦想是我以之为目标的动力。
65、D dream (dreaming): dare to dream big it seems impossible to trace the most absurd dream. D 梦想(dreaming):敢于做大梦, 追寻似乎是不可能的最荒诞的梦想。
66、Dream whatever you desire to dream. Go wherever you wish. Seek whatever you desire. 梦想你想要的梦。去你想去的地方。寻找你所要的。
67、I have a lot of dreams. Each dream has you. 我有很多个梦想。每个梦想里都有你。