


1、Incidentally, the characters they play in “Meteor Garden” correspond to their real-life personalities. 顺便说一句,他们的特点发挥“流星花园”符合他们的现实生活中的个性。

2、The FCH can not only predict argument realization in Resultative Constructions, but also explain their syntactic behaviors and ambiguities. 功能范畴假设能预测动结式的论元实现,并能方便地解释其句法行为和歧义现象。

3、The presenter stated in MBAese, “We are aggressively leveraging existing assets to affect a paradigm shift interdepartmental synergy.” 例如,同样的一句话,用MBAese说就是:“我们正积极调动现有资产以实现部门间协同的模式转变。”

4、To put it differently, does the thought process discover the real? 换句话说,思维过程是否能发现实相?

5、To tell the truth, the topic is really practical, but it does attract me a lot. 说句实话,这次演讲的主题还真是很现实,不过它也的确很吸引我。

6、Let us take a down-to-earth example of a dot product. 举一个点积的,现实例子。

7、The better you understand this, the more easily and enjoyably you’ll achieve your goals. 你对这句话体会越深,你实现目标的时候就会更容易并且更愉快。

8、This famous dictum of Lord Acton is as relevant today as it was when stated in 1887. 阿克顿勋爵(Lord Acton)的这句著名格言,就像xx年说出时一样,贴近今日之现实。

9、In real life the Miluo River in what look like ? 现实生活中的汨罗江是什么样子容貌?

10、Greek author Plutarch : What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality. 希腊作家布鲁达克的这句话:我们内心的所得,将改变外界的现实。

11、There are three base implementations provided for subclassing. 所提供的用于生成子类的基本实现有三种。

12、It was a common retort from Jack’s mother, and his first lesson in facing reality. 这是杰克母亲惯常对他的一句回驳,也是教会他直面现实的第一课。

13、I wish your commitment, I tell you I wish I hope to receive your message 这个您是要写在求职信的上面的吧。

14、Information is exchanged when sub-groups are reorganized. 通过子群重组实现子群间的信息交换。

15、Only one thought kept crossing my mind the whole time. 在教堂的整个时间里, 那句话便一直萦绕在我的脑海中:凝成液体的现实, 泪水不过是凝成液体的滴滴现实。

16、In other words, our temperature data is a lot like real-life data you are likely to work with. 换句话 说,我们的温度数据与现实生活中您可能要处理的数据非常相似。

17、So, the design and realization of this net bookstore has a significance meaning for the exploring and practicing of e-commerce. 因此,本网络书店系统的设计和实现,是对当前电子商务的一次尝试和实践,对电子商务的实现有着切实的意义。

18、The electron gun can achieve energy scan of electron beam. 电子枪可以实现电子束能量扫描。

19、To E-commerce, how to effectively achieve the success of online payments is one of the key issues of implementing E-commerce. 对于电子商务来说,如何有效地实现在线支付是成功实现电子商务的关键问题之一。

20、Experiments today are sensitive to some supersymmetric particles with m up to 400 GeV. 对于某些超对称粒子,现在的实验灵敏度仅能达到发现质量最高达400Gev的粒子。

21、HANDLE. h HANDLE. c-console, using the nested structure and handle, to achieve information hiding small procedures. 控制台下,利用结构嵌套和句柄,来实现信息隐藏的小程序。

22、Withe-mail you can do just that. 电子邮件就能帮你实现这一切。

23、Trying to be happy just seems like piffle to a practical people. 对于那些现实的人而言,追求幸福如同一句废话。

24、Note that this feature is defined at the syntactical level, but implemented at compile time. 注意这个功能是定义在句法层次上的,但是是在编译时实现的。

25、Many organizations have already developed well-tested sets of SQL statements for achieving known tasks. 许多组织已经开发出为实现已知任务的、经过了彻底测试的几组 SQL 语句。


26、In practical, the sub-tree may be implemented as physical or virtual. 在实践中,子树可以实现为物理子树或虚拟子树。

27、There is also plenty of validation for Professor Hargadon’s theories in the real world. 在现实世界中还有很多例子来证实哈格顿教授的理论。

28、The basis of sentence is realistic time unilateral linearity axes. The deep ter language meaning presents some correlative form. 语句的基础是现实时间的单向线性轴,其深层的离散性语义必然表现出一定的相关形式。

29、Prince of reality like Buddies it? 王子现实中喜欢鬼鬼吗?

30、You might get a real live opportunity instead of an online one. 走进现实生活,没准就能碰上一个事实崽子的好机会。

31、Honestly, she was probably the prettiest woman I had ever seen off the movie screen. 老实说,她应该是我在现实中曾见到的最美丽的女子了。

32、The means of realizing the prediction is through paragraphs, 实现标题预示性的手段是段落、主题句和微主题复现。

33、My dream had been shattered with these last words of Prudence, and its going had brought me back to reality with such a jolt that I was still dazed by the shock. 我的梦想已经随着普律当丝最后几句话破灭了,我突然一下子掉落在现实之中,被摔得头晕眼花。

34、Thus, possibility can be regarded as “-like actuality”. 因而,可能性可以说是一种“ 影子式的实在(现实)”。

35、I am going to do that by adding an electron. 加一个电子可实现这一转化。

36、Divers also found fossilized leaves, twigs, flowers, fruits, seeds, pollen and spores. 潜水员还发现了叶子、树梢、花朵、果实、和花粉袍子的化石。


37、By this, Confucius and Yanhui realized their harmony of body and thoughts. 孔子、颜回以此实现了身心的和谐。

38、Use of optical solitons singular characteristics, can achieve optical solitons communications. 利用光孤子的奇异特性,可以实现光孤子通信。

39、The larger the difference in electronegativity between two atoms, the more ionic the bond . 现实中,原子间并不形成“纯”离子键。

40、That is because statements are pooled entirely under the covers. 这是因为语句的缓冲是完全在内部实现的。

41、For the practical and commercial use of quantum cryptography , we need to distribute keys among many users. 量子密码术要走向实用化,必须实现多用户间的量子密钥分配。

42、But the code shows how to implement a large if statement with a more object-oriented solution. 但它展示了如何通过更加面向对象的解决方案来实现很大的 if 语句。

43、In the case of Web services invocations, both the local and remote implementation cl have to be subcl in order to realize their service-specific implementations. 在 Web 服务调用的情况下,本地与远程实现类都必须是子类,以实现它们的特定于服务的实现。

44、The following example is implemented using the cursor-based API. 下面的例子是使用基于指针的 API 实现的。

45、Experiment One applied the self-paced moving window technique and found significant difference in the unambiguity section of both temporarily ambiguous and non-ambiguous sentences. 实验一采用自定速移动视窗技术,发现歧义句和无歧义句解歧区的阅读时间存在显著差异。

46、Children are poorly demarcated and virtual reality. 孩子分不清楚虚拟和现实。

47、After when the measured pulse width, it is easy to implement frequency doubling and frequency, electronic gear. 当测出脉冲宽度后,就很容易实现倍频,然后再分频,实现电子齿轮。

48、Shubho : Let’s consider a real world example to understand it. 考虑一个现实中的例子。

49、Polymer organic-inorganic core-shell particles realize the molecular scale fabrication. 有机-无机核壳粒子实现了分子级别上的复合。

50、Deviated from e-payment,; 脱离了电子支付,电子商务无法实现各环节电子化;


51、Dehiscent Describing a fruit or fruiting body that opens at maturity to release the seeds or spores. Dehiscence may be violent to aid seed dispersal. Compare indehiscent. 果实或子实体在成熟时裂开释放出或孢子的现象。激烈的开裂可以帮助的传播。比较。

52、While it”s easy to say “Hire only socially outgoing altruists, ” it”s obviously impractical in the real world. “聘请那些擅长社交,性格外向,乐于助人的人。” 这句话说来容易,但是在现实世界中,显然并不实际。

53、Plasma cutting torch quick setup can be realized plasma gouging; 等离子割炬快速设置即可实现等离子气刨;

54、The intra-textual context is essential for the realization of textual coherence, to the extent that it’s a substantive context for the realization of formal coherence of a text. 语句所处的篇内语境是篇章连贯性得以实现的必要依托,是实现篇章语形连贯的实体环境。

55、Creas and Trumpanzees don’t deny reality; 神创分子和川普分子没有否认现实;

56、The abstract method processResponse will be implemented by the sub-cl. 抽象方法 processResponse 由子类实现。

57、Spintronic devices would use both the spin and charge, achieving new functionality. 而自旋电子学器件利用电子自旋与电子电量来实现新的功能。

58、Results showed no cross-linguistic syntactic priming except for the Chinese-English passive syntactic priming experiment. 结果表明,除汉英被动句启动实验外,其它实验均没有出现启动效应。

59、It sounds like a platitude that fiction is the realm of imagination, fact the realm of knowledge. 小说是想象的领地而现实是知识的领地,这句话听起来有点陈词滥调了。

60、Dehiscent Describing a fruit or fruiting body that opens at maturity to release the seeds or spores. 果实或子实体在成熟时裂开释放出或孢子的现象。

61、The dream of being a doctor has already come ture 再看看别人怎么说的。

62、Creas and Trumpanzees don’t deny reality; the reject it completely, and substitute their own. 神创分子和川普分子没有否认现实;他们完全拒绝现实,然后用自己的理论代替之。

63、Anti-reality hypothesis compound sentence is an opposite hypothesis of subjective reality. The result from hypothesis can not be realized at all. 反事实假设复句是对客观事实的反面的假设,由假设而生的结果根本不可能实现。

64、Discussing the implementation of the CORDIC-SVD in FPGAs and its applications in the Eigen-subspace method’s implementation. 讨论了利用FPGA实现CORDIC-SVD的方法及如何将其应用于特征子空间法的实现中。

65、Every word and every action of his was the expression of a force uncomprehended by him, which was his life. 他的每一句话和每一个行动,都是他所不知的现实的表现,那现实便是他的生活。

66、The theoretical development and experimental realization of atomic squeezing is one of the greatest progresses in optical and atomic optics. 压缩原子理论的发现及其实验的实现是量子光学与原子光学中重大进展之一。

67、Approval of the control point implemented through e-signatures. 通过电子标签批准实现的控制环节。

68、This syntactical decision gives you a degree of flexibility in the implementation of abstract-class derivatives. 这种句法决策使您在抽象类继承的实现方面有一定的灵活性。

69、To achieve this mapping, you may include conditional compilation #ifdef in places where you access the registers. 要实现这种映射,在访问这些寄存器中的地方可以使用条件编译 #ifdef 语句。

70、Male menopause: Myth or reality? 男性经绝期:子虚乌有? 还是现实存在!

71、For this reason, I have constructed micro-realities, or captured them in real sites. 根据这个理由,我创造了「显微现实」,换句话说我只是摄出“当下”瞬间的真实。


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