关于”三个词的句子“的英语句子29个,句子主体:Three word sentence。
英文句子模板1:Three word sentence
1、Li Yu to remain in the world, the word small, perhaps three dozen or so first, but a lot of lines. 李煜留在世间的词不多,大概三十几首,但是佳句颇多。
2、This study discusses the language function of light tone in Cangzhou dialect from three aspects: distinction of meaning, word formation and sentence construction. 从区别意义、构词、构句三个方面分析和探讨了沦州方言的轻声的语言功能。
3、We were given a list of words that we needed to look up in the dictionary Antonyms, Synonyms, Construct sentences. 老师会给我们一串词,让我们查字典,反义词,近义词,同义词,造句。
4、Over the course of several months, he listens to her every word intently, treasuring each one like a precious jewel. 经过几个月中,他仔细地听著她说的每个字,犹如宝石般珍惜每一句歌词。
5、Ellipsis: Three dots(…), used in text matter , indicating an omission or an unending sentence. 省略号:内文中用三点(… ),表示词句有省略或文意未完之处。
6、Likewise, CBA goes from three syllables to 10 in Chinese, a much wordier ‘China men’s basketball professional league. 同样,CBA也从三个字节的缩略词变为冗长的10个中文字,“中国男子职业篮球联赛”。
7、The middle of the third sentence of the third chapter, the four words you can actually fill out. 中间一章第三句的第三、四两字其实也是可以补出来的。
8、The church was divided into three aisles by two rows of three cross-shaped pillars. 教堂被两列三个十字型的柱子隔成三个空间。
9、His “textual research on Ci” displays textual criticism of word, sentence, sound, rhyme, accent, writing style and edition. 他的“词内看词”表现为对词的字、句、声、韵、调、体式、版本等的校勘和考订;
10、Serving as the predicate of the first atomic event, the property of shi presupposes the causative nature of the event, which percolates the entire shi-construction. 前一个事件中的谓词“使”不但决定了该事件的致使性质,而且使得“使”字句的整个句式表示的是致使性质的事件结构。
11、Sex is a three – letter word which needs some old -fashioned four – letter words to convey its full meaning. 性是一个三个字母的词,但是它需要一个古老的四个字母的词来宣示。
12、And the third sentence, which I’ve bolded , is a howling lie. 而第三句(粗体),是狂吠的谎言。
13、The tone pattern of Chinese trisyllabic words are more complicated. 汉语三字词的声调模式是复杂的。
14、Achieving constant top ratings for two-word or three-word search strings is a more realistic goal. 实现单词搜索字符串常量最高评价的两个词或三是比拟事实的目标。
15、This is terrifically easy to remember because a certain Colonel had the good sense to open a chain of restaurants using the abbreviation KFC for a name. 这很容易就能够记住,因为一个陆军上校很明智地开了一家连锁餐厅并将其命名为KFC(译者按:三个字母对应于三句话的首字母)。
16、Chapter II”The Research on Types of Complex Sentences in Jinwen Shangshu(Two)”. 第三章“今文《尚书》复句的特点”。
17、A study is made on the unique style of contract language-its wording and sentence structure so as to develop an acute sense of such language style. 契约式英语在用词和句式等方面有其独有的特点,从用词、句式、语法三个方面进行了论述,对从事对外商贸活动人员起草和翻译合约有一定启示。
18、When you use a word-processing program, the individual data values are characters, which are then assembled into larger units such as words, sentences, and paragraphs. 当你运行一个文字处理程序,每个单独的数据值是字符,然后这些字符可以组成更大的单元,例如词、句或篇章。
19、And if you’re our zero just continue standing there awkwardly, Alright. So with that said, we have a three-letter word so we’ll have three rounds of hands going up or down. 如果你代表0,就站在那里别动,好,那么,我们有三个字母的单词,因此我们分三次分别表达这三个字母。
20、我们可以把他的讲演归纳成三句话。We can reduce his speech to three sentences.
21、This article is to discuss means of repetition in the respects of phonetic repetition, lexical repetition and syntactic repetition. 笔者通过本文分别从语音重复、词汇重复和句法重复三个方面浅议英语修辞中的重复手段。
22、One useful trick is to set a value for the dotted stem, which then acts as a default value for compound names based on the stem. 一个有用的技巧是为带句点的词干赋值,这个值将成为基于这个词干的复合名字的默认值。
23、Students are given a list of 3 letters, and have 1 minute to tell a story that connects them all together. 学生现场抽取一组共3个字母,选手需在1分钟里运用分别以这三个字母为首字母的三个单词创作一段故事…
24、It has three nouns, “Fred,” “Barney” and “Wilma,” and two verbs, “Thinks” and “Likes.” 这个例子中有三个名词,”弗雷德”,”巴尼”,”威尔玛”,两个动词,”觉得”和”喜欢”
25、He pulled out a hand-held electronic translator with the name “The French King” stamped in Chinese across the top. 他拿出了一个手持电子词典,在顶部用中文刻着“法语王”三个字。
26、Here is a peculiar haiku series in three parts for you. 下面是我写的古怪的俳句的其中三段。
27、Shuowenjiezizhu adopted a unique explanatory form called “three-character sentences”to explain the composing characteristics of the annotations in Shuowen. 《说文解字注》在注释《说文》时针对一些释语的构成特点,采取了“三字句”这种独特的训释体例。
28、The most poisonous three-letter word is “Ego”. Kill it. 最有毒的三个字母的单词是:“自我”。除掉它。
29、Base64 encodes three bytes as four characters (6lGp for the preceding example). Base64 将三个字节编码为四个字符(前面的例子就是 6lGp)。
30、You know the three letter word start with “F”? 你知道那以“F”开头的三个字母的单词吗?
31、Syntax, semantic, and cognition worked together in the lexicalization and grammaticalization of the compound phrase of “Yilü”. 在“一律”词汇化和语法化的演变过程中,句法、语义和认知三者都在起作用。
32、They differ In degree of formality and position In the sentence. 这三个词语的雅俗程度和在句中的位置有所不同。
33、As you can see, the above code combines three tokens to generate a complete SQL query. 就像你看到的,上面的代码用三段字串组成了一个完整的SQL查询语句.
34、The most used four-letter is “Love”. Value it. 最有毒的三个字母的单词是自我,除掉他。
35、We can reduce his speech to three sentences. 我们可以把他的讲演归纳成三句话。
36、Consider, for instance, these three words: eye, gown, basket. Can you think of another word that relates to all three? 例如,当看到“眼、长袍、篮子”这三个词时,你能否想到另一个与这三个词相关联的词吗?
37、Similar to scrabble, Wordfeud FREE lets you place words and score using Double Letter, Double Word, Triple Letter and Triple Word tiles. 就像乱涂一样,Wordfeud FREE让你通过双字母、双单词,三字母、三单词的平铺排放以得分。
38、We poor mortals can pack two or three meanings into one sentence. 我们这些可怜的凡人可以在一句话里面装进两三个意思。
39、As for the linguistic description, which is the major concern, this thesis tries to explore the language features from three levels-graphology, lexis and syntax. 第二部分,即本文的主要部分,从商贸合同语言特色的三个层面——书写、句法、词汇,进行了深入的剖析。
40、As the theory of descriptions is concerned, Strawson’s and Russell’s opinions were divided on meaning, syntax and proper name. Among the three respects above, syntax is determinant. 斯特劳森与罗素在摹状词理论上的分歧主要表现在意义问题、句法问题和专名问题三个方面,其中句法方面的分歧是决定性的。
41、Countable nouns can be referred to indivdiually with numbers: one chair, two drinks, three students. 可数名词,顾名思义就是本身能用数字数得清的:一张椅子,两瓶饮料,三个学生。
42、As for my girlfriend, her three favorite words were “I love you.” Nowadays, we finally have jointed together. 以前,我最怕听到的三个字是“快还钱”,女朋友最想听到的三个字是“我爱你”,现在,我们终于找到了共同语言,我最怕听到的三个字和她最想听到的三个字都是“大长今”。
43、This still occupies three bytes in UTF-8, whereas the English word “grove” takes five letters and requires five bytes. 用 UTF-8 编码需要三个字节,而英文单词“grove”有五个字母,需要五个字节。
44、Besides, there is no difference in the orders of the five types in the three corpora. 五大类连字式复合词的词性排序在三个语料库中也无显著差别。
45、It is equally applicable to any of the three defined regional data syntaxes. 他同样适用于三个已规定的区域性数据句法的任何一个。
46、The origin of the Chinese characters in Korean vocabulary contains Chinese characters in Korean vocabulary originating from china and Japan, and that created by Korea. 本论文把韩国语汉字词的来源分成三个方面来考察:源于中国的韩国语汉字词、源于日本的韩国汉字词、韩国自己创制的汉字和汉字词。
47、Studies show that 93 per cent of what comes across in conversation is unrelated to the words and content. 研究表明,交谈活动有百分之九十三与谈话时的词句与内容无关。
48、But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established. 他若不听,你就另外带一两个人同去,要凭两三个人的口作见证,句句都可定准。
49、Application Handle is the third column in this output. 在这个输出中,第三列就是应用句柄。
50、The most poisonous three-letter word is”Ego”. 最有毒的三个字母的单词是:“Ego”(自我)。
51、In flash class, the teacher deconstructs the characters; you could learn the structure and meaning of a character. 查询你想学的汉字,你马上可以学到这个汉字的结构,部首,书写笔划,组词, 解释, 例句,还能校正发音。
52、Chapter III emphasizes on the comparison of Chinese and Korean vocabulary and is the core of this article. 第三章,着重进行韩国汉字词与中国汉字词的对比,是本文的重点。
53、Here, we associate three words with numbers, and then print out the value contained in ‘Vivaldi’, which is 90. 上面,我们把三个单词和三个数字分别关联起来,然后输出’Vivaldi’的值,也就是90。
54、Chapter four discusses the historical evolvement about amount, acceptation and syntax of the aggressive verb on inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of the Shang Dynasty. 第三章甲骨文攻击类动词的历史演变,则主要从历时的角度对攻击类动词的数量、词义以及句法上的演变进行了探讨。
55、Because the three bamboo leaves shaped “months”, Yuan Mei-admitted “thousands of words, Yang Zhu, ” naming the phrase “a garden. 又因三片竹叶的形状似“个”字,取清袁枚“月映竹成千个字”的句意命名“个园”。