假期心情感悟的句子英语 假期愉快的英文句子个

关于”假期愉快的句子“的英语句子50个,句子主体:Hy holiday sentences。

英文句子模板1:Hy holiday sentences

1、This is the stuff of great vacations, and don’t deny yourself these pleasures. 这确实是愉快假期的其中一部分,不要否认自己心里面的这种快乐。

2、They went to Switzerland by train and had a very good holiday. 他们乘火车去了瑞士,过了一个非常愉快的假期。

3、He enjoyed every minute of his holi day. 假日的每一分钟他都过得很愉快。

4、did you have a nice holiday? 你假期过得愉快吗?

5、For those students whom not going to face any exam, wishing you all a hy school holiday! 也为着没有考试的在籍中学生,祝你们假期愉快!

6、Did you have a nice holiday? 你假期过得愉快吗?

7、Talk about a wonderful holiday! All our money was stolen! 还说假日愉快呢!钱都给偷光了!

8、I want to take a trip, over a delectation but again long holidays, not hope someone to bother. 我想去旅行,过一个愉快而又长的假期,不希望有人打扰。

9、暑假给了我们一段愉快的歇夏时间.  the summer holidays gave us a welcome breathingspace.

10、I had a good holiday, I think. I also have very nice school life now. 我想我有一个愉快的假期。我现在也有很好的学校生活。

11、I enjoyed an agreeable holiday this summer. 今年夏天我度过了一个愉快的假期。

12、Workaholic, May Day off, take girl friend to go to play, don’t always stay inside. I wish a hy holiday! 工作狂,五一就歇歇吧,带上女朋友一块儿去玩玩,别总呆在屋里。祝假期愉快!

13、Li: Ah, it sounds as though you have a lot on your plate today. Hope the packing goes well. Have a lovely holiday! 李:听上去你手里的活儿可不少,好好准备,祝你假期愉快。

14、She flung off a merry tune. 她随意地哼出愉快的调子。

15、If you wish to knowinging how to get hiness, you ought to pay attention to the very beside two points. 假如你期望清楚咋样获得愉快,你须主意下面两点。

16、Shake hands with your boss and other senior managers and wish them a hy holiday season. 同你的老板及与他同级的管理人员握手,并祝愿他们有个愉快的假期。

17、If you are angry, think of something hy. Your favourite nephew, or a hy place. 假如你很生气就想想一些开心的事情:你最喜爱的侄子或者令人愉快的地方。

18、Yes, I did. The vacation was wonderful, but now it’s. 是的。假期很愉快,但是现在又回到正常的工作中了。

19、Final exams are next week; the week after, we will start our winter recess. We wish everyone a very nice winter break. 下周是期末考日﹐ 下下周起开始放寒假﹐ 祝大家有个愉快的假期。

20、Hoping you have a good holiday! 希望你过个愉快的假日。

21、Fine. Take as long as you need and have a good time. 好的。你需要休假多久,就休多久,祝你玩得愉快。

22、Final exams are this week; next week we will start our winter recess. We wish everyone a very nice winter break. 本周是期末考日﹐ 下周起开始放寒假﹐ 祝大家有个愉快的假期。

23、She daydreamed about a carefree vacation. 她幻想能有一个轻松愉快的假期。

24、WE. Pepsi. HoTLiPs:I wish all our Chinese fans a very hy New Year and a nice holiday. 祝愿所有的中国粉丝新春快乐,假期愉快。

25、31暑假给了我们一段愉快的歇夏时间. The summer holidays gave us a welcome breathingspace.


26、She often pleasurably antites his visit. 她常愉快地期待他的来访。

假期心情感悟的句子英语 假期愉快的英文句子个

27、because i have a useful and a hy holiday. 因为我过了一个充实有愉快的假日!

28、You must have had a wonderfull time during your vacation. 你的假期一定过得非常愉快。

29、The summer holidays gave us a welcome breathing – space. 暑假给了我们一段愉快的歇夏时间。

30、B Yes, two weeks off work will be a great holiday. B 是的,停止工作两周将是一个愉快的假期。

31、The seas remind me many hapiness of my childhood. 海滨使我联想起童年假期的各种愉快情景。

32、Did you have a nice holiday? 你假期过得愉快吗?

33、  this summer holiday, my dream came true. 暑假给了我们一段愉快的歇夏时间.  the summer holidays gave us a welcome breathingspace.

34、The sound of the seagulls called up hy memories of his children holidays. 海鸥的声音使他想起童年愉快的假日生活。

35、How to get along with the kids hy 怎样和孩子相处的愉快 How to play with the children 怎样和孩子愉快的玩耍

36、Because I have a useful and a hy holiday. 因为我过了一个充实有愉快的假日!

37、Cheerfulness is the promoter of health. 样子愉快是壮健的增加剂。

38、Fine. Hope cooperation hy. 可以。期待合作愉快。

39、Wishes everybody new term to be hy! 最后,祝大家新学期愉快!

40、The seas reminds me many joyful scenes of my vacation in childhood. 海滨使我联想起童年假期的各种愉快情景。

41、Hope you to have a holidays of delectation here and harvest the thing that you want. 希望你在这里有个愉快的假期并收获你想要的东西。

42、This occasion was an unexpected and wonderful treat given by our Prinl of Omeida. 这次出乎意料之外的愉快假期是欧美达校长给的。

43、I am hy to see you again after the hy and busy National Day Holiday. 相信大家度过了一个愉快而又繁忙的国庆节假期,我很高兴回来跟大家见面。

44、So, I think this Winter holiday will be very hpy. I like it. 所以我想我的这个假期将会非常愉悦,我喜欢寒假!

45、Have a great year in school! 祝您学期愉快!

46、My summer vair-conine of this year was very enjoyknowledgeabdominnosle. 本年的暑假生活特别很是愉快。

47、So for your next weekend, why not take Route 798 to Shatin Town Centre and have an enjoyable holiday in Shatin! 下星期大家不防乘搭798线到沙田市中心,在沙田度过一个愉快的假日!

48、So, how do we manage the holidays while maintaining a strong connection with our partners? 所以,如何与我们的配偶保持良好关系的同时享受愉快的假期呢?

49、A new term began. Students all returned to school and met again. They were talking about what they had done in the holidays. I was much hier. 很快愉快的暑假生活就结束了,新学期开始了,当我与同学们在课间聊起暑假生活时,他们都在兴高彩列地谈论自己的暑假生活。

50、We assured our clients of an enjoyable holiday. 我们使游客确信准能过一个愉快的假期。


51、Enjoy your time In Jurong This Place! 祝你在句容这个地方玩得愉快!

52、A PlanFor My Holiday The holiday comes, I, maked a plan for my hy holiday. 一个资培我的假期,假期来了,我,标志着我愉快的假期计划。


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