Stab [stæb] 捅/捅刀子
stab someone in the back 背叛,辜负
He stabbed me in the back by going out with my ex. 他跟我前任约会相当于在背后捅我一刀。
Traitor [ˈtretɚ] 叛徒
You traitor. How could you side with them? 你个叛徒,你怎么能和他们一起?
You’re a traitor. 你是一个叛徒。
Betray [bɪˈtre] 背叛
She betrayed me for the last time. 这是她最后一次背叛我。
Double crossed 两面派
They double crossed me. 他们跟我耍两面派。 / 他们出卖了我。
XX sold XXX down the river 某人背叛某人
He sold me down the river just because they offered him money. 他背叛我,就是因为他们给他钱了。
go back on 背信;背弃;出卖;违约;背叛
He would rather die than go back on his friends。他宁死也不出卖自己的朋友。
two-timing 出轨
He is two-timing his wife with Olivia. 他背着妻子出轨了Olivia.