



英语中的歧义(ambiguity)不仅存在于词义(sense)和词类(part ofspeech)中,而且也存在于句法结构中。



英语中主要有三种结构歧义:附着歧义(attachment ambiguity),并列歧义(coordinationambiguity)和名词短语括号歧义(noun-phrase bracketingambiguity)。此外,还有其他类型的结构歧义,我们在这里也做简单的介绍。


a)  PP附着歧义(PP attachment ambiguity)

介词短语(PrepositionPhrase,简称PP,可能做句子中动词短语的修饰语,又可能做名词短语的修饰语,造成PP附着歧义。例如,如果我们有英语句子“Theymade a report about the ship”和“On the ship, they made areport”,这两个句子是没有歧义的,但是,如果我们把它们改写成句子“They made a report on theship”,“on the ship”这个PP可以修饰动词made,也可以修饰名词report,就产生了PP附着歧义。我们可以把这种PP附着歧义写为如下形式:

1) They made a report about the ship.

On the ship, they made areport.

->They madea report on the ship.


2) They made a decision concerning the boat.

On the boat, they made adecision.

->They made a decision on the boat.

3) He drove the car which was near the post office.

Near the post office, he drove the car.

-> He drove the car near thepost office.

4) They are walking around the lake which is situated in thepark.

In the park, they arewalking around the lake.

->They are walking around the lake in the park.

5) He shot at the man who was with a gun.

With a gun, he shot at theman.

->He shot at the man with a gun.

6) The policeman arrested the thief who was in the room.

In the room, the policemanarrested the thief.

->The policeman arrested the thief in the room.

Church and Patil(1982)证明了,在带多个介词短语PP的名词短语中,名词短语剖析结果的歧义的数量随着介词短语PP的数量的增加而增加,其增加速率与算术表达式的插入数(numberof parenthesization)相同。这个插入问题是按照Catalan数(Catalan number)以指数增长的。

b) 动名词附着歧义(Gerundive attachment ambiguity)


例如。在句子“We saw the Eiffel tower flying to Paris”中,动名词短语“flying toParis”可能修饰动词“saw”,作为“saw”的状语,句子的意思是“我们飞到巴黎时看到了埃菲尔铁塔”;但是,“flying toParis”也可能作为动词“saw”的从句“the Eiffel tower flying toParis”中的谓语,句子的意思是“我们看到埃菲尔铁塔正向巴黎飞来”。当然,后面这种情况只在神话世界或者童话世界中才可能发生。


2) I saw that a boy was swimming in the river.

I saw a boy who was swimming in the river.

I saw a boy while I was swimming in the river.

-> I saw a boy swimming in theriver.

3) I noticed that the man was smoking in the corridor.

I noticed the man who wassmoking in the corridor.

I noticed the man whilesmoking in the corridor.

->I noticed the man smoking in the corridor.

c) 局部歧义(local ambiguity)


例如,句子 “book that flight”是没有歧义的,但是,在剖析过程中,当剖析程序扫描到单词“book”的时候,可能辨不清这个book是动词还是名词,在这种情况下,就应该采用回溯(backtracking)或者并行分析(parallelism)的办法,同时考虑到两种可能的剖析。“book”实际上是一个兼类词,如果我们在形态分析的时候,就进行了兼类词“book”的歧义消解,就可以大大减少这样的局部歧义问题。

——并列歧义(Coordination ambiguity)



1) She looks care of old men and old women.

She looks care of women andold men.

->She looks care of old men and women.

2) Mr. John is a scientist of great fame and a professor ofgreat fame.

Mr. John is a professor ofgreat fame and a scientist.

->Mr. John is a scientist and a professor of great fame.

3) Someone tells me he’s cheating, and I can’t do anything aboutit.

Someone tells me that he’scheating and that I can’t do anything about it.

->Someone tells me he’s cheating and I can’t do anything aboutit.

4) John will go, or Dick and Tom will go.

John or Dick will go, andTom will go.

->John or Dick and Tom will go.

——名词短语括号歧义(Noun-phrase bracketing ambiguity)

在名词短语“ADJ + N1 +N2”中,形容词ADJ可能修饰N1+N2,也可能只修饰N1,从而形成歧义。第一种情况可用括号表示为NP(ADJ(NP(N1N2)))。第二种情况可用括号表示为NP(NP(ADJ N1)N2)。这种歧义可用括号式说明:



1) The salesman who sells old cars is busy.

The old salesman who sells cars is busy.

-> The old car salesman isbusy.

2) He is a Department Head, who is from England.

He is Head of the EnglishDepartment.

->He is an English Department Head.

——歧义结构‘Somebody is + V-ing + N’



1) They are receiving women as guest.

They are amusing women.

-> They are entertainingwomen.(entertaining有“接待”和“快乐”等不同含义)

2) They are flying the planes.

They are the flyingplanes.

->They are flying planes.

3) They are roses which are growing.

They are cultivatingroses.

-> They are growing roses.

4) They are having apples.

They are apples for eating.

-> They areeating apples.

——歧义结构‘somebody has + V-ed  + N’



1) He has already discarded boots.

He has a pair of discardedboots.

->He has discarded boots.

2) They have used cars as a transportation tool.

They havea few used cars.

->They have used cars.




1) He wants an assistant who can finish the experiment.

To finish the experiment,he wants an assistant.

->He wants an assistant to finish the experiment.

2) The students will discuss their plan about a dance party thatthey are to hold.

In order to hold a danceparty, the students will discuss their plan.

->The students will discuss their plan to hold a dance party.

——歧义结构‘Something is not to do’

not可能与它前面的is相结合,形成否定形式is not,not也可能与它后面的to do结合,形成not todo,从而产生歧义。


His object isn’t to eat(他的目的不是吃).

Not to eat is hisobject.(他的目的是不吃)

-> His object is not to eat.

——歧义结构‘something is ready to do’


这种结构中的is ready可能表示主动态,也可能表示被动态,从而形成歧义。


1) The chicken is ready to eat some food.

The chicken is ready to beeaten.

->The chicken is ready to eat.

2) The horse itself is ready to ride on the track (on theway).

The horse is ready forsomeone to ride.

->The horse is ready to ride.




1) John likes to question scientist.

John likes scientist whooften asks questions.

-> John likesquestioning scientist.

2) The way of the hunter shot was terrible.

That the hunter was shotwas terrible.

-> The shooting of the hunterwas terrible.




1) Mary gave picture to her baby.

Mary gave baby picture toher.

->Mary gave her baby picture.

2) Mary taught manners to her child.

Mary taught child mannersto her.

->Mary taught her child manners.

——歧义结构 ‘V+ her + 动名兼类词’



1) I heard that she cried to help.

I heard her loud cry forhelp.

->I heard her cry for help.

2) I saw the wonder she had done.

I saw her feel greatlysurprised.

-> I saw herwonder. (wonder有“奇迹”和“惊奇”等不同含义) 

3) I saw her remain awake.

I saw the watch belonged toher.

->I saw her watch.(watch有“观察”和“手表”等不同含义)

4) I saw her lower her head.

I saw the duck whichbelonged to her.

->I saw her duck.(duck有“低头”和“鸭子”等不同含义)

——歧义结构 ‘V+ somebody + V-ed’



She found that a boy was hidden behind the door.

She found a boy who washidden behind the door.

->She found a boy hidden behind the door.

——歧义结构 ‘V + somebody + who clause’

‘who clause’可能做somebody的修饰语,也可能做动词V的宾语从句,从而产生歧义。


1) I asked the professor, who would give the lecture.

I ask the professor. This professor would give the lecture.

->I asked the professor who would give the lecture.

2) John asked the lady, who was sitting on the stairs.

John asked the lady. She was sitting on the stairs.

-> John asked the lady who wassitting on the stairs.

——歧义结构‘V+ somebody + when clause’

‘when clause’可能做动词V的时间状语,也可能做动词V的宾语从句,从而产生歧义。


Tell me at what time you are free.

When you are free, tellme.

->Tell me when you are free.

——歧义结构‘V+ somebody + if clause’

‘if clause’可能做动词V的条件从句,也可能做动词V的宾语从句,从而产生歧义。


1) Tell me whether you have time or not.

If you have time, tellme.

->Tell me if you have time.

——歧义结构 ‘V+ if clause’

这种歧义结构与前面的歧义结构类似。‘if clause’可能做动词V的条件从句,也可能做动词V的宾语从句,从而产生歧义。


Let me know whether you’re coming or not.

If you’re coming, let meknow.

->Let me know if you’re coming.



1) It is a pretty skirt for a little girl

It is a fairly (=pretty)little skirt for a girl.

It is an attractive(=pretty) little skirt for a girl

It is a skirt for a fairlylittle girl.

It is a skirt for anattractive little girl.

->It is a pretty little girl’s skirt.

2) Do you happen to know the gentleman next to the lady who isreading a book?

Do you happen to know thegentleman who is reading a book, next to the lady?

->Do you happen to know the gentleman next to the lady reading abook.

3) I recommended John to Tom. The former was approachable.

I recommended John to Tom.The latter was approachable.

->I recommended John to Tom who was approachable.

4) I like the books on the shelves. I bought the shelvesyesterday.

I like the books on theshelves. I bought the books yesterday.

-> I likethe books on the shelves I bought yesterday.

5) There is a theatre located near the business district. Thetheatre is crowded every night.

There is a theatre near thebusiness district. The business district is crowded everynight.

->There is a theatre near the business district which is crowdedevery night.

6) The secretary granted my request namely that I might see thepresident.

The secretary granted myrequest so that I might see the president.

->The secretary granted my request that I might see thepresident.



1) When you are free, tell him.

Tell him at what time youare free.

->Tell him when you are free.

2) If you have time, tell me.

Tell me whether you havetime or not.

->Tell me if you have time.

3) She knew that, before I met you, you had begun to studyNLP.

Before I met you, she knewthat you had begun to study NLP.

->She knew that you had begun to study NLP before I met you.



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