1. The ostrich is the largest bird in the world, reaching up to 2.7 meters tall. (鸵鸟是世界上最大的鸟,高可达2.7米。)
2. They have long necks and legs, and can run up to 70 km/h. (它们有长颈和长腿,能够奔跑达70公里/小时。)
3. Their feathers are soft and fluffy, and are often used to make decorative items. (它们的羽毛柔软蓬松,常被用来做装饰品。)
4. Ostriches live in groups called flocks and are native to Africa. (鸵鸟生活在被称为群的群体中,是非洲的本土动物。)
5. The ostrich’s eyes are the largest of any land animal and measure around 5 cm in diameter. (鸵鸟的眼睛是陆地动物中最大的,直径约为5厘米。)
6. They are omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and animals. (它们是杂食性动物,既吃植物又吃动物。)
7. Ostriches are also known for their distinctive mating dance, which involves bobbing and weaving their heads. (鸵鸟以它们独特的舞蹈而闻名,这涉及到它们摇头晃脑的动作。)
8. Ostrich eggs are the largest of any bird species and can weigh up to 1.4 kg. (鸵鸟的蛋是所有鸟类中最大的,重达1.4千克。)
9. They have a unique digestive system that allows them to swallow stones to grind up food. (它们有独特的消化系统,可以吞下石头磨碎食物。)
10. Ostriches are flightless birds, but they can use their wings to help them balance and steer while running. (鸵鸟是无法飞行的鸟类,但它们可以利用翅膀在奔跑时平衡和操控。)
11. They are able to go without water for long periods of time, obtaining most of their moisture from the plants they eat. (它们能够长时间不喝水,主要从吃的植物中摄取水分。)
12. Ostriches have been farmed for their meat, eggs, and feathers for centuries. (鸵鸟已经被用于养殖其肉、蛋和羽毛数个世纪了。)
13. The ostrich’s long neck allows it to spot predators from a distance, it a skilled at avoiding danger. (鸵鸟的长脖子使它能够从远处发现捕食者,使其成为了避免危险的高手。)
14. Young ostriches have stripes on their feathers to help them blend in with their surroundings and avoid predators. (幼鸵鸟的羽毛上有条纹,帮助它们融入周围环境,避免被捕食者发现。)
15. Ostriches are known for their excellent eyesight and hearing, which helps them to detect threats. (鸵鸟以其出色的视力和听力而闻名,这有助于它们发现威胁。)
16. Despite their large size, ostriches are surprisingly agile and can make sudden turns and maneuvers while running. (尽管它们的体型庞大,但鸵鸟非常灵活,可以在奔跑时快速转向和操控。)