在友谊面前,人与人之间,犹如星与星之间,不是彼此妨碍,而是互相照耀。In the face of friendship, people shine on each other rather than hinder each other, just like stars.
生命的小船在青春的港口再次起航,我们就要挥手告别,船儿满载着理想和希望。The boat of life sails again in the harbor of youth. We have to wave goodbye. The boat is full of ideals and hopes.
六年的记忆,忘了吧。只为会笑的明天,不带走任何牵连、一点思念。只是不想流泪。Six years of memory, forget it. Only for the tomorrow that will laugh, without any involvement, a little missing. Just don’t want to cry.
抵得住考试的压力,却抵不住分别的感伤。Can withstand the pressure of examination, but can not withstand the sadness of separation.
那些以前说着永不分离的人,早已经散落在天涯了。Those who used to say that they would never be separated have long been scattered in the horizon.
有没有那么一个人,你无数次的说要放弃,但是终究还是舍不得。There is no such a person, you said numerous times to give up, but ultimately reluctant.
韶光如水,流年消逝,冠几许相思,望一愿名成就,不负流年逝,再度相思见。Shaoguang is like water, passing years, crown a few acacia, hope a wish for fame and achievement, not to lose the passing years, Acacia again.
让我们用共同的信念铸造的航船,到生活的大海去犁出雪白的浪花。Let’s go to the sea of life and plough out the snow-white spray with a ship forged with common beliefs.
不管你去往何方,不管将来迎接你的是什么,请你带着阳光般的心情启程。No matter where you go, no matter what you are going to meet in the future, please set out with a sunny mood.
毕业换来了一个无忧无虑的暑假,和一个永远不再相见的可能。Graduation brings a carefree summer vacation and the possibility of never seeing each other again.
毕业那天我们都给彼此一个纯洁的拥抱好吗,不要怕那些闲言碎语。Let’s give each other a pure hug on graduation day. Don’t be afraid of gossip.
毕业了,带不走的东西都卖了,可那些沉甸甸的回忆却挥散不去。After graduation, everything that can’t be taken away has been sold, but those heavy memories can’t be dissipated.
不论现在生命多么萧瑟,你要相信,你的生命一定会再度盛放。No matter how bleak life is now, you have to believe that your life will flourish again.
那又是一个清爽的秋天,秋风拂过,天又渐渐转凉。It was a fresh autumn again. The autumn wind blew, and the day gradually cooled.
鸟贵有翼,人贵有志。立志是事业的大门,信心是事业的起点。Birds have wings and people have ambitions. Ambition is the door of a career, confidence is the starting point of a career.
从此,我们告别了一段纯真的青春,一段年少轻狂的岁月,一个充满幻想的时代。From then on, we say goodbye to a period of pure youth, a period of young and frivolous years, an era full of fantasy.
真诚的友谊无需承诺,永恒的情缘无需约定。Sincere friendship needs no commitment, eternal love needs no agreement.
时光总是太短暂,留下了我的眷恋,刻下了你的自信和恬然。Time is always too short, leaving my attachment, engraved your confidence and tranquility.
点半一下子蹦起来,忘记了还要去学校,等洗牙完才发现,已经毕业了。At half past one, I jumped up and forgot to go to school. I didn’t realize that I had graduated until I washed my teeth.
又到一年一度的毕业季节了,快点为你的同窗送上最真挚的祝福吧!It’s the annual graduation season again. Please send your best wishes to your classmates.