这的确是个很好的机会让人们看到他们。This is surely a good chance for people to see them.
我非常感兴趣。I am interested in it.
我们可以乘坐101线或地铁2号线可以到达那里。We can get there by taking Bus Line 101 or Subway Line 2。
他的航班号是CA985。His flight number is CA985.
在我特殊的照顾下,我妈妈渐渐的恢复了健康。With my special care, my mother recovered quickly。
秋天的气候宜人。The weather in fall is very pleasant.
其次,我们一起打篮球踢足球。Secondly, we play basketball and soccer together。
我从网站上学到了很多。I can learn a lot from the website。
因此为了准备它我很忙碌。So I’m busy preparing for it.
我很荣幸在这里用几句话欢迎你们。I feel great honor to be here to say a few words to welcome you.
我们想要邀请你参加派对。We’d like to invite you to the party。
我们的班级是一个的大家庭。Our class is a very warm family.
我刚完成了我的申请信和简历。I have just completed my application letter and resume。
不像大多数树,这棵树中间弯曲,为了得到更多的阳光一直努力挣扎向上生长。Unlike most trees, this one bends in the middle, struggling all the way up to get more sunshine。
我们还可以互相学习。We can still learn from each other。
我们可以和他大学的学生在辩论赛或演讲比赛中进行竞争。We can compete with students from other universities in debate contests or speech contests。
十年来我一直在学习英语,并且我讲英语很流利。I’ve been learning English for 10 years, and I speak fluent English。
关于英语俱乐部副主席的职位,我觉得有资格接受这项工作Concerning the position of vice president of the English Club, I feel qualified to take the job.
最后,可能我会做学校志愿者作为一名教学助手。Last but not least, maybe I will work as a volunteer for the school as a teaching assistant。
她得了感冒。She had a cold。